Chapter 9 (If I killed Someone for you)

Chapter 9: If I Killed Someone For You

Khai Reaver

Estimated, May 2024

About 2 years after outbreak

California, The Circus

Season 3


"I hope Benny serves you well in your condition, Khai," Thomas said. His daughter, Angie, gave me her dog to be my new set of eyes. I was grateful, but I could still hear Angie's grunts of protest. I was kind of surprised to find out that Thomas had a kid, especially one that was only a little younger than me. She didn't seem to like any of us. She stayed distant, but the others always pointed out when she was staring. She looked a lot like Thomas. She looked like Thomas' wife too. I hadn't really gotten much of a chance to speak with Piper. She spent most of her time with Rudi and the kids. I hadn't really talked to anyone since it happened. I only discussed the important stuff with my doctor, Esme. I hate myself for not being able to help. Aiden told me how everyone was assigned jobs by Thomas, but I was stuck in bed all day.

Aiden was really the only one who came around to the infirmary. He brought me stupid shit that he found around the place; he figured he could at least try to cheer me up. I think he blames himself for what happened to me. After all, he was the one who found the moonshine, but I didn't think it was his fault. I was the one who picked up the bottle.

I thanked Angie and Thomas for their acts of charity. I didn't really know much about dogs; I never really liked them much to begin with, but Benny was good. He was a smart boy, and he made me smile. Not much can do that for me anymore.

I wanted to help. I wanted to do something, anything. I hated that I became what I hated: a burden.


Aiden Palton


After I visited Khai one day, I followed Marcus outside the walls. I knew I shouldn't have, but curiosity overtook me, and I couldn't escape it. I made sure to stay hidden; I didn't want him to know I was there because then he wouldn't go where he was going. As I watched Marcus from a distance, my heart raced with anticipation. I wondered where he was headed and what secrets he held. The thrill of the unknown kept me on edge, even though I knew deep down that I was crossing a line. There were a couple close calls, but he never saw me.

We got ourselves back into the city. I had to do everything I could to avoid killing the dead because killing them would draw too much attention. I had to take care of one, though. As my knife went through his rotting skull, his blood spilled onto my face and shirt. The metallic scent of decay filled the air, making me nauseous. I quickly wiped the blood off my face, hoping it wouldn't leave a stain. I was lucky I didn't have any open wounds because these things were walking infections. We kind of just had to guess that if any of them got into our bloodstream in any way, it would be all over, but then again, we didn't have evidence to back this up.

They've ignored me now. Ethan had told me about how when you smell like shit, they don't do so much as look in your direction. It made it easier to follow Marcus through this nightmare. He led me to some sort of building. I stayed behind and peered into the broken window. I stayed low and got even more on edge when I saw Marcus meeting up with others. Others who we did not know, or at least I didn't know.

I heard most of their conversation. It wasn't easy, considering the low groans and mutters that came from the dead. I couldn't believe what I heard. They spoke of somewhere else. Another community, and they were close.

Marcus knew of somewhere we could go all along, but he kept it from us. My anger got a hold of me, and all I could think about was how I was going to make this man pay. As I clenched my fists, a surge of betrayal washed over me. How could Marcus keep such crucial information hidden from us? The thought of him leading a secret life behind our backs fueled my determination to confront him and demand answers.

We were there for over an hour. After some time, the talking only bored me, and I couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't bother with the ones I didn't know; I didn't know what they were capable of, and I didn't want to start something that I wouldn't be able to finish. Luckily enough, they left before Marcus. I promise, I didn't really want to kill him. I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn't a monster, but I was, am, and always will be.

As he came out of the building, I tripped him with my leg. He fell onto the sidewalk, and I held a knife to the back of his throat.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, and I could feel his breath get heavy as the dead started to approach us.

"Something that had to be done. It's none of your business, Aiden."

"Yeah, well, this little "project" of yours could get people killed. It could get Rudi, Airi, and Juna—all of them—killed. Why would you not tell us about these assholes before?"

"Because, like I said, it's really not any of your business." I could feel him squirm underneath me. He was filled with complete fear as the dead came closer. I was too lost in thought to even realize how close they were. I should have died with him. I should have let them tear me open as well. We should have died on that street together because we both didn't deserve to live anymore. Not after everything we've done.

I watched in terror as they tore the flesh from his body. I'll never forget the sound of his screams as their teeth sank in. I couldn't move. All I could do was watch. I should have saved him instead of backing away. I should have done something.

The sound of the blood dripping from their mouths and their satisfied, closed eyes was enough to make me run. I should have never even been out here, and now look at what I've done. I know he deserved it, but this place was supposed to bring out the good in us, and all it did was make more people die.