Chapter 13 (The Radio)

Chapter 13: The Radio

Ethan Warren

Estimated, July 2025

About 38 months after outbreak

California, Home

Season 4


"Ethan, come check this out!" Steve yelled to me from the basement. We we're inspecting some of the houses, taking anything useful from them. Most of it was junk that would end up just being burned but others were more fortunate.

I walked quickly down the stairs eager to see what Steve had found.

"It's an old radio and like a shit ton of walkie talkies!" Steve said with exitment. I knew why he was so happy to find this, he was going to use it to try and find Rudi. I wasn't complaining though, I wanted him to come home too.

This was a big day for us. Khai volunteered to fix the radio up, Leah helped her as much as she could. Steve, Elyse, Khai, Evelyn, Leah, Steve, and I all took a walkie to keep. There were a few left over and I planned to give them to Rudi and Airianna when they returned.

Steve stayed in his room now, listening to every channel available. I don't know what he expected to hear, Rudi would only be able to respond if he had found something similar and I like to think that is very unlikely. I didn't stop Steve though, something told me that this was his way of coping with everything we've lost.

We're able to go on supply runs now, without having to sit at the edge of our seats waiting for the people to return. It made it easier for me, it made it easier for families, it made it easier to stay alive.

I just hoped that Timothy didn't have the same privilege. Every time I picked one of those things up I feared that he was on the other end of the line, just listening, waiting to hear how weak we were and use it to his


Leah Souixer


"If you want someone to talk to Leah, I could-"

"I already told you to leave me alone."

"I know, it's just-"

"It's just what? I don't even remember who the hell you are, what makes you think you have every right to talk to me?" Her name was Leandra and she was a licences therapist before the end. I had completely forgotten she even existed. She was married to another person who barley did anything, Zahir. She just wanted to help, since the moment she let us into her life that's all she wanted to do. She wanted to help me get over Dallen's death, but I'll never get over his death and some random ass Venezuelan isn't going to help me.

She had been following me for a few weeks, trying to get me to sit down and have a "therapy session" with her and her husband. Zahir was like me and wanted nothing to do with that but no matter how much I expressed for her to back off, she refused to.

Eventually it killed her, I killed her and I almost feel bad about it.

I did everything to try and control my anger and depression that came with Dallen's death but Leandra seemed to try and make me lose it. I don't know why she wouldn't just leave me alone. Eventually you would think she would get tired of it, but she didn't, until one day, when she pushed me a little too far.

"Leah, it's not good to bottle these emotions up for too long. You need to talk to someone."

"I don't have to talk to shit."

"If you don't, you might end up doing something that you might regret."

"Like what? Like killing people? Killing myself? What the hell do you want from me because I'm about this close from killing you!" I towered over her and looked her dead in the eyes. I knew she could tell I was serious, I just don't understand why the hell she kept talking.

"Yes, it'll be best for you to see-"

"Will you just shut the fuck up!" I screamed in her face and the next thing I knew my knife was stabbing into her chest twice and she coughed up blood as she fell to the ground. The citizen's looked at me in terror but I was just happy to finally hear silence.