I'm in the Mood to get Wet

- "Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them and it will change your life" -

~ Amy Poehler

Information to note in relation to the school's grading system:

[There are 6 levels - A to F with F being the lowest (30% and under) and A being the highest (90% and over).

Based on the score earned, each child will fall into a particular level, whether A, B, C, etc. All students who get to level A will be eligible to compete with other students from classes of the same grade in relation to their scores .

Those individuals who are the top and best from this group are then ranked from 1 - 10, (1 is the highest rank and 10 the lowest) and are then able to score points which will consecutively add up as they progress to other grades to allow them to qualify for a scholarship.

Students who consecutively fall into the F level each school term would eventually be expelled.]


Half a month practically had already vanished and Emma thought intensely. She had just about 2 weeks to get Liam in good shape and with the amount of days they wasted because of his pathetic and weak nature, she thought, she was going to have to storm up a new strategy to handle him. He sure was weird.

"Okay... listen up class," Mr. Karton exclaimed, gathering the attention of the preoccupied class.

"Just a few updates with pertinence to the status of each one of you in this class and the levels you are at."

Upon hearing his starting words, murmurs arose throughout the class.

"Gahhh, I hope I move up this time. I've been trying to get into a higher rank so I could get closer to getting that scholarship."

"I want to get into the swimming team so bad. I hope I made it to level C at least!"

"I hope my grades are looking okay..."

Liam remained with his head resting in his folded arms on the desk in the midst of the sea of murmurs and whispers. He didn't lift his head once. He didn't care much about doing well at school anymore. The hope that doing good at school could save his family was growing dim and fading away, so close to disappearing. It was clear that his mother had already made up her mind. It was clear that he'd be running again. It was clear that death was closer again. It was clear that he was just going to change schools, maybe soon, again. His scores didn't matter now.

"Thankfully, no one's in level F," Mr Karton alarmed, looking up from the sheet of paper between his fingers.

An audible sigh of relief echoed throughout the class. After which, Mr. Karton ran his eyes over the information on the sheet one more time before looking up at everyone again.

"Joan: level E. Improvement is needed. There have been complaints that you are missing assignments; make the necessary improvements."

Everyone quickly became occupied whispering comments.

"Ian: level B.... Christian: level E.... Yasmine: level E.... Ronald: level C... Francesca: level B...." and he went on and on until finally, he paused briefly, averting his eyes from the sheet and gazing about the class.

There were still a few names yet to be called.

"Well, moving on to the ranks... and how they are looking thus far-"

The students could feel the anxiety and anticipation begin to fill their lungs to hear the ranks, even while already knowing what to expect. They were just hoping for a slight change in the ranks for once. Emma grew tense. Her arms became stiff and her mind went blank. Whenever the ranks were being called, she always got slightly nervous.

"Hmm..." Mr. Karton murmured, "This is quite a difference, a nice difference."

Emma became uneasy and averted her gaze to the homeroom teacher, with worry-infected lungs. She rested her woven fingers on her nose bridge and bored a hole into Mr. Karton's paper with her icy, notorious glare. What did he mean by a 'change', she wondered.

"Liam Sanchez," he called out.

Everyone's eyes immediately flew over to the boy who finally rose his head only to the sound of his name.

"Liam?" came a murmur.

"Oh my gosh, did he just say Liam? The new boy? Could it be?"

Waiting with untamed anticipation and eagerness, the students wore pleading looks which screamed 'tell-us-the-ranks-already'.

Mr. Karton then cleared his voice and continued with the announcements.

"Liam Sanchez: ranked 4th."

A loud applause filled the classroom, followed with incessant cheering for the young lad who suddenly began feeling the slightest bit of joy deep down in his heart. He looked around the classroom with parted lips and observed the various expressions.

"Liam 4th??? He managed to beat Kylie from the second class? He's really good for being the new kid!"

"Way to go, Liam!!"

"That's so dope!"

Emma, on hearing this, furrowed her eyebrows and sent a glare at Liam. She felt her heart pounding in her chest as it made her feel even more bothered and uneasy in her seat. Her lungs were heavy with irritation and she bit her lower lip in efforts to remain calm about it.

"Rooney Craig: ranked 2nd."

That too received an applause. Emma's fingers curled up in her lap.

"And last but not least..." Mr. Karton mentions, "Our very own, Emma Waltz... ranked with the usual outstanding 1st place rank , as it's always been ever since."

Yet another loud applause filled the classroom and some students here and there also cheered her on. The moment the ranks were revealed, Emma released the stifling anxiety from her lungs, lowered her gaze and closed her eyes to regain composure, slumming her shoulders. It was not that she didn't expect it, she was just afraid that someone who was runner-up got better and found a way to break her all-time record of first place.

At the sound of the dismissal bell, there was endless chatter almost everywhere about how the 'new boy', Liam hit the ranks in such a short amount of time.

"I see you somehow managed to make it to rank 4. Quite unbelievable and rigged if you ask me. I didn't think you could ever make it there," came a frosty voice.

Liam turned around and faced the source of the cold, sarcastic voice. It was Emma, his tutor and rival, standing a few feet away from him. She had her arms wrapped around her backpack and wore a bored expression on her face. Her long, jet black hair was tied in a neat low ponytail and her gray eyes sparkled with disdain. She looked like a perfect ice queen. He felt a surge of annoyance and amusement. He could sense a hint of jealousy of his achievement in her response, for some reason, even though she would never admit it. He decided to play along and tease her a bit. He flashed her a cocky smile and put his hands on his hips.

"Well, I am 'that' guy after all. I thought you should know," he said, winking at her.

Emma developed a look which seemed to question the boy's level of maturity and she released a sigh, shaking her head in pity.

"Why, how despicable to be proud of being in a rank you never earned in the first place! You only got in since a certain someone felt like poking me with pins," Emma expressed deadpan. She then forcefully remarked without sincerity, after hesitating for a moment, "Yet... congratulations, I suppose."

She watched the boy's smile gradually broaden, exposing his pearly whites and it made her stomach twitch. How unimpressively cocky, she thought.

"What was that, Emma Waltz? I believe I didn't hear you," he teased with a smug grin.

She narrowed her eyes. "Why, that's too bad. It was a comment made from the perspective of being your tutor regardless, moron. Don't get any weird ideas floating around in that small, puny brain of yours."

Liam laughed. She reminded him of a grumpy old mule sometimes; and as if even life couldn't handle her dry attitude, a chirpy, bubbly voice suddenly pierced the still air between them.


Francesca, with two ponytails dancing in the air, came rushing in their direction and lunged at Liam's arm, holding it closely and tightly to her chest.

"Congratsss!" she squealed, "I always knew you were such a smart- no, a brilliant cookie, Liam!!

Liam felt a knot of different emotions arise in his stomach and a slight blush suffused his cheeks. Emma gazed at the two in silence and raised her eyebrow that only Liam noticed, an eyebrow which communicated more than ten different things. He could read her mind: "Pervert."

"Come with us, Liam!! Your progress should be celebrated!"

"Eh? Us? What are you walking about?" the confused and curious lad inquired.

Francesca released Liam's arm and cupped her hips. She waved an index finger as she spoke. "Ian, Noah, Bailey and I are heading for the lake a couple houses away from here. We're going for a swim and... I'm in the mood to get wet!"

Emma frowned and feigned concern, switching to her 'in-school' personality, "Why, Francesca, that sounds delightful! How sad that the timing is off though. Sanchez is very busy and we must get going!"

"Oh..." Francesca muttered. The enthusiasm in her eyes dropped almost immediately and unsure of what to say, she made a small smile which seemed to mean to say "How sad indeed."

Liam gazed at Emma with eyes speckled with stark annoyance. He folded his arms and thought for a while. The thought of a swim wasn't a bad idea and besides, as he'd gladly admit, he couldn't miss the opportunity to see girls in swimsuits or better yet, bikinis! Suddenly, his lips slowly gathered into a smile that he knew annoyed Emma.

"Who said we were busy? A swim is just what we need! Emma, our class representative is the best swimmer after all! She said so herself," he said, sending a taunting smile her way.

A mixture of irritation and apprehension was mingled among the stoicism plastered on her face. He had proven himself a complete idiot this time, she wondered. The rank was getting to his head, so much so that he must have believed that they were at the same level to negotiate and settle things!

"That's fals-"

"A fact? Yes indeed, Emma!"

Francesca's eyes blazed with excitement once more as she punched a fist into the air.

"Awesome! I can't wait to see you in action then! You really are such an amazing girl, Emma! So talented!"

Emma looked on in silence. She wasn't sure of what to say to avoid tarnishing her character. Before she could even say anything, Liam scooped up her arm and dragged her along, following Francesca.

"Don't be such a work horse, Emma! Even I am in the mood to get wet!"