As Ethan drove inside the entrance gate of the mansion, my eyes were immediately drawn to a stunning fountain that came into view. The sight was truly captivating, with water dancing and sparkling under the sunlight. The surroundings were like a haven of greenery, adorned with an assortment of plants and trees that seemed to embrace the estate.
Before me, the path diverged into two inviting routes. One led towards the garages, where vehicles found their resting places. The other, however, took a different course–a picturesque journey through a splendid garden. It was a space that seemed to be plucked straight from a fairy tale, complete with a children’s playground nestled amidst the foliage.
Amidst the garden’s allure were benches strategically placed, accompanied by tables and chairs that beckoned people to sit and savour the peaceful atmosphere. A magnificent greenhouse stood proudly, adding an air of sophistication to the surroundings.
Choosing the path that led to the garages, Ethan pulled the car into the garage. The low hum of the engine came to a hushed stop, and we stepped out into the dimly lit space. The distant echo of our footsteps resonated as we made our way towards the elevator. However, just a few steps in,
Ella abruptly halted, causing me to come to an abrupt stop, narrowly avoiding a collision.
I turned to her, puzzled by her sudden pause. “What happened? Why did you stop so suddenly?” Ethan inquired, closing the gap between us with brisk strides.
Ella’s gaze remained fixed on me, concern etched across her features. “I just remembered that Alison is still bruised from her street fighting and hasn’t had the chance to cover it up with makeup yet.”
A chill coursed down my spine as her words sank in. My hand instinctively brushed against the tender bruises that marred my face, Panic began to well up within me.
“What will we say to our parents if they see her in this condition?” Ella voiced the question that had silently plagued my thoughts.
Ethan, always composed in moments of crisis, came to our rescue. “Don’t worry about it. I received a message from Mother saying that she and Father have gone to attend a business dinner and won’t be home for a while.” His mobile disappeared into his pocket as he delivered the reassuring news.
Ella’s frustration was palpable as she turned her gaze towards Ethan, her eyes narrowed in annoyance. “Why didn’t you tell me about this before?” Her voice carried a trace of irritation.
Ethan held up his hands in surrender, his expression apologetic. “I only received the message while I was parking the car in the garage. It was a last-minute update.”
With a resigned sigh, Ella relented, and we resumed our journey towards the elevator. The soft ding of its arrival echoed through the garage, and the doors slid open, beckoning us inside.
As the elevator ascended, Ella leaned in closer, her voice a hushed whisper laden with urgency. “When we get inside the living room, make sure the coast is clear and signal us to come in. I don’t want our butler or any other servant to see her in this condition; otherwise, they’ll inform our parents about it,” she instructed, her eyes fixed on Ethan.
Ethan nodded in silent agreement, determination etched across his face. He understood the gravity of the situation and the need for utmost discretion. The elevator’s chime resonated through the confined space, signalling our arrival on the designated floor. Without wasting a moment, Ethan strode out of the elevator and entered the living room.
Ella and I lingered in the elevator’s lobby, our anxiety mounting with each passing second. We exchanged tense glances, the weight of our secret pressing upon us. It felt like an eternity as we waited, hidden from view, our hearts pounding in unison.
Finally, Ethan emerged from the living room, his expression composed but his eyes revealing a silent reassurance. With a subtle nod, he signalled to us that the coast was indeed clear. Relief washed over us as we followed his lead, moving stealthily down the corridor towards Ella’s room.
Every step was taken with caution, our ears attuned to the slightest sound that might betray our presence. Ethan and Ella took turns guiding me, ensuring I remained concealed from prying eyes. It was a delicate dance, a careful choreography to safeguard the secret we held so dearly.
As we reached the sanctuary of Ella’s room, we closed the door behind us, breathing a collective sigh of relief. We exchanged knowing glances, and the strain of our covert operation gave way to laughter as if we were characters in a comical caper.
Ella, ever the witty one, broke the ice with a chuckle. “Doesn’t it feel like we’re Gru from the ‘Despicable Me’ movie?” She inquired with a playful twinkle in her eye, her footsteps carrying her towards the closet.
I couldn’t help but smile, the humour of the situation lightening my bruised spirit. “Yeah, it sure feels like it,” I replied, a genuine grin forming on my face.
Ethan chimed in, adding his touch of levity. “Yup,” he said, playfully popping the ‘P’ at the end.
Ethan, clearly weary from our clandestine adventure, sank onto Ella’s bed, his exhaustion evident. He let out a tired sigh, his body finally able to relax.
Ella handed me her clothes as she contemplated our predicament. “Never thought we’d have to sneak inside our own home like this,” she mused, shaking her head.
"Next time, let's make sure that we have concealer and make-up with us so that we don’t have to do this again,” Ella suggested handing me her clothes.
I accepted the clothes from Ella nodded my head in silent agreement to her suggestion, and made my way to the washroom. The anticipation of a hot shower and a change into comfortable attire was a soothing balm to my aching body.
As I stepped beneath the cascading water, the heat stung against my bruised skin, causing me to flinch and hiss in pain. But slowly, the warmth seeped into my weary muscles, and a sense of relaxation washed over me. The shower offered not only physical cleansing but also a reprieve from
the tumultuous events of the day.
With each passing moment, I felt the tension in my body begin to ease, the knots in my shoulders unravelling. It was as if the water was washing away not just the grime but also the weight of my recent struggles.
After taking my time to savour the comforting sensation, I eventually turned off the shower. I reached for one of Ella’s plush towels, wrapping it around myself and patting my skin dry.
As I emerged from the washroom, my stomach emitted an embarrassingly loud growl, betraying my hunger. A blush crept across my cheeks as I met the amused gaze of my siblings.
Ethan, always the considerate one, chuckled at my discomfort. “I knew you’d be hungry after your fights, so I’ve already told the butler to prepare something for us,” he informed me, his words accompanied by a warm smile.
As I slipped into Ella’s clothes, I couldn’t help but smile at the familiarity of it all. The garments draped comfortably over my body, are a testament to the striking similarity in our body structures. Ella and I had always shared clothes when needed. It is a practice that has become second nature to us over the years.
“Let’s apply medicine to your wounds and cover them with concealer before the butler comes to call us for dinner,” she suggested and led me to her dressing room.
I followed her into her dressing room, where an array of cosmetics and medical supplies awaited. The sight of my battered face in the mirror made me wince, and I couldn’t help but wonder how Ella and Ethan had managed to hide their reactions upon first seeing me in this condition.
Ella handed me the medicine, and I hesitated for a moment before accepting it, silently grateful for her support. Together, we carefully applied the healing ointment to my bruises, the cool sensation providing a measure of relief to my aching skin. As the concealer came next, we worked together to mask the evidence of my ordeal, layering it carefully until my face appeared unmarred.
Our timing was impeccable, for just as we finished, the butler’s polite knock echoed through the door. It was time to join the rest of the household for dinner.
We rose from our places, leaving the dressing room behind, and made our way to the dining room. The elegant setting and the aroma of the meal greeted us warmly. Our conversation at the dinner table was lighthearted, a welcome distraction from the day’s events.
As the meal concluded, I glanced at the clock and realized that it was nearly time for me to head home.
As the evening wore on, I realized it was time for me to head home. Ella, always generous and concerned, offered me the comfort of staying at her luxurious mansion. Her words were laced with genuine care when she said, “You know, Alison, you’re more than welcome to stay here if you’d like. We have plenty of room, and you could use the rest.”
I appreciated her offer but gently declined, knowing the responsibilities that awaited me. “Thank you, Ella, but I’ve got some homework I need to finish before calling it a night.”
Ethan, who had been quietly observing, chimed in with a considerate suggestion. “Alison, why don’t you let me drop you home? You’ve had a long day, and it might be a bit taxing to drive yourself.”
I hesitated, not wanting to impose, but the twins were persistent. Ella added, “He’s right, Alison. You should take it easy after all that fighting. We can take care of your bike, either driving it back when we pick you up for school or sending someone to drop it off at your house.”
Their concern was touching, and in the end, I relented. “Alright, you win. Thanks, Ethan.”
Ethan flashed me a reassuring smile as we made our way to the car. The drive was quiet, a comfortable silence between us as the city lights flickered by. When we reached my home, I thanked him once again and used my spare key to enter the house quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone who might already be asleep.
I slipped into my room, determined to finish my homework. The tasks at hand demanded my attention, and I diligently worked through them until I completed everything. Exhaustion finally caught up with me, and as I settled into bed. As the fatigue of the day weighed on me, I finally succumbed to its embrace.