Bright sunbeam came through the creak of the half-opened window near his bed which fell on his eyes, making them twitch at the slight burn. He opened his eyes to see it’s a bright morning. He got up, sitting up straight to see Darius on the couch watching TV.
A sudden urge of nature’s call came as he ran towards the privy at light speed. His friend didn’t even notice.
He came out of there, his face showed his struggle. Maybe he should have controlled last night’s snack. His stomach aching, he rubbed his palm on it to see his friend was munching on some chocolate cookies from a beautifully wrapped blue box with a pink ribbon on it and randomly playing with the remote, changing the channels leisurely.
“When did you buy those cookies? From the convenience store?” he took out a cookie to scrutinize it, glimpsing every corner of it, “Nope, it don’t look like to be from the store,” he relaxed himself on the couch to grab a bit on the cookie.