Noah × Darius

Ryan, startled to see the guy behind him, in an ivory shirt stretching long his bulging chest. His eyes lowered t the direction of the book on Ryan's hand, the man asked, “Here to sign?” His voice as melodic as ever, Ryan nodded, aghast to see his mesmerizing beauty shining in the bright lights inside the place.

“O-owen?” he mumbled loud enough to hear, as he churches the book on his chest, dumb struck to find him here in the middle of this large crowd.

“Here for the signing event,” Owen started casually, looking at the podium where the author should arrive soon but he was late. And the crowd were chattering along about his late arrival, not pleased at all. Even, Ryan himself was waiting in the queue and now he dumb mind couldn’t figure out how come Owen came here? He could just order a signed copy directly calling the publishing house. Why bother to stand on line to meet him?