Chapter 45: Mrs. Davenport and her scheme

Amy sighed, her knees kissing the ground, in front of a vending machine. Her sulking face told, she missed her breakfast as her grumbling stomach confirmed it. She barely managed to come to her work today after a handful of argument she had with her mother in the early morning before she came here.

The place she crouched was quiet as she. She had came way too early, her normal routine was coming there ten minutes earlier her work started. Good news was, her this new job was far from her home and she had to stay there long until six in the evening. Her gleaming reflection on the glass of the vending machine looked over at the can of juices which whirled inside the machine, making her notice the sound and follow through out the machine.

The ivory blouse wrinkled around her collar which she straightened as the can of cold coffee with following a bag of plane salty potato chips slid out of the machine.