A divorce?

Jane sat on the couch, watching a Disney movie, but her mind was somewhere else entirely.

“Jane!” Sarah called from the kitchen.

“Jane?” She called again and when she got no response, she walked out of the kitchen to check if her daughter had gone out but she saw her sitting, watching a movie.

“Jane?” She called again but got no response.

“What did Mother meant by what she said?” Jane was lost in her thoughts until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to the side a bit and saw that it was Sarah.

“Yes mom?”

“Are you kidding me?” Sarah huffed.

“What do you mean?” Jane arched her brows.

“What do I mean? I’ve been calling your name but you were not responding. Is everything all right with you? Sarah asked as she touched Jane’s forehead.

“Yes mom. I’m just… tired,” Jane replied.

“You are looking dull. Where are your friends? Are they not supposed to take you out to have fun? What about Bella?” Sarah bombarded her with questions.

“Mom, stop asking questions. We are going to meet by 6 but I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere."

“Why?” Sarah asked.

“I’m not in the mood. I don’t feel like going," Jane responded and her phone beeped with lots of messages coming in, just when Sarah was about to say something.

Jane scrolled through the messages and sighed as she dropped the phone.

“You don’t have any choice dear. Just go meet your friends. Today is your day. Don’t ruin it,” Sarah persuaded.

“Yeah, I’m not gonna ruin it.” Jane breathed out.

“By the way, I was about asking of dad,” Jane said and darted her eyes towards Sarah.

“Uhm… yes. What about him?” Sarah questioned and Jane caught her fondling with her hands.

She looked at Sarah right in the eye with lots of emotions on her face.

“Just what I feared will happen.” Jane blinked.

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t try to pretend. Just don’t.” Jane yelled as her face became sober.

“Don’t you think it’s obvious that you and dad are keeping something from me? Why the sudden charade? He isn’t even answering my calls.” Jane breathed out.

“Are both of you planning to… divorce?” Jane asked and Sarah stared at her in shock.

“Is this happening because of me?” Jane questioned her again.

“Jane don’t talk like that. He might be busy that is why he is not answering your calls. He is making sure you have the best gift for your birthday. We’re not getting a divorce,” Sarah finally spoke.

“And why is the gift so important? How is it important? What makes it so important that he can’t just spare little time to speak with me?” Jane flared.

“You just turned 18, Jane,” Sarah spoke softly.

“So?’ Jane asked. “Do you even know that the birthdays we celebrate is just the plain fact that we are dying? Meaning that, eighteen whole years is gone from the life I get to live,” Jane said and Sarah gasped.

“Well, I think I’m getting late already. I have to go now, to meet my friends. To celebrate, have fun and get drunk. And don’t expect me home anytime soon, okay? I think the present you guys have for me can wait till I get back home,” Jane said and walked out.

“Wait, Jane. Where are you going?’ Sarah asked as she caught up with her.

“I thought I just told you few seconds ago. You were persuading me to go earlier. Are you trying to hold me back now?” Jane smiled as she hopped into the car and zoomed off.

“Gosh! This shouldn’t be happening,” Sarah said as she hurried back into the house.

She picked her phone and dialed a number. The receiver picked in one ring.

“James, what are you still doing?” Sarah asked straightaway.

“Well,” he sighed over the phone, “it’s not as easy as we thought so I might delay a little. Is she suspecting?”

“No,” Sarah said quickly. “But why can’t you just pick the damn call? She said she called you.”

“Yeah, she did. But I wasn’t in the position to answer.”

“Well she’s mad at you.”

“No problem,” James sounded unbothered.

“Seriously?” Sarah scoffed. “Btw, she’s hanging out with her friends tonight so I have no idea when she’ll be back.” Sarah added.

“Oh! That would be great then.” James beamed on the phone.

“Ugh! Later.” Sarah rolled her eyes and hung up.

“Phew! She has no idea about what she’s about to witness,” said Sarah as a smile appeared at the corner of her lips.


Jane drove down to Bella’s house and horned two times.

In a swift, Bella dashed out of the house and hopped into the car.

“Why are you in a rush?” Jane raised her brows at her.

“So you won’t forsake me like you did earlier.” Bella responded.

“Funny.” Jane rolled her eyes and started driving.

“Btw, are you okay?” Bella asked, worried, as she leaned forward a bit.

“I…I’m fine.” Jane blinked and tapped her hands on the wheel.

“Hmm, okay.” Bella leaned back. “I thought you wouldn’t make it.”

“And why would you think that?” asked Jane.

“Didn’t you see all the messages and calls? You didn’t answer any of them.”

“Oh that…” Jane muttered.

“Bella,” Jane called.

“Hmn?” Bella answered.

“Isn’t that Chloe and the others?” Jane arched her brows and Bella sprang up immediately.

“Gosh! I almost forgot. They are going with us.” Bella rushed her words.

“What?” Jane brows rose.

“Yeah. Carl’s car tyres were punctured. I’m guessing it’s Vivian, maybe to get revenge,” Bella said

“BELLA!” Chloe shrieked when Jane parked the car in front of them.

“What?” Bella yelled at Chloe when she opened the back seat door, shooting her a cold glare.

“Come on, get in guys,” Jane urged them and Chloe and Carl got in the back seat with Bella while Dylan sat at the front seat.

Jane stared a bit at Dylan before starting the engine and they zoomed off.