Chapter two

PE time. The subject Siren loathes the most. She loathes accomplishing actual work such that when she was a child she wished she turned into a teddy bear so she will not need to move and take care of errands at their home.

They are outside the school building, at the field where they are under the searing warmth of the sun which made Siren more irate. She just remained there while Lea and Hana accomplish practically everything.

'Shit, I can't bear it any longer.' She thought and let out a boisterous yawn then, at that point left.

"Siren, where are you going?"

"To rest." She replied. She chose to go back to the classroom to sleep there yet got irritated when she saw somebody was there. To exacerbate the situation, her classmate was going to take off her shirt, making her froze on the spot. She doesn't have the foggiest idea who that is on the grounds that her back's confronting her. Siren subtly swallows.

The other student must've felt her presence and pivots.

It was Peach with her PE shirt canvassed in mud. She streaks a grin after seeing her.


She turns away, humiliated. "W-what do you think you're doing?"

Peach takes a glance at her guiltlessly, not getting what she implies. "Oh. I smudged my shirt so I will change. What about you?"

"Why do you ask?" She replied in an irate voice. Peach gazes at her then, smiles.

"Are you... peeking on me? I didn't realize you had it in you, Siren."

Siren could feel the blood hurrying through her face. "Shut up! As if I'll do that." Then, at that point she covertly looks at Peach's body and jeers. "Your body's not even that pretty."

She escaped the classroom and fled as quick as possible until she arrives at the old building's infirmary. She should've chosen to rest here as opposed to going to the homeroom then she would have not met Peach.

She promptly sets down on the bed, actually gasping hard.

'Shit. Why can't I erase it on my mind?'

Pictures of Peach going to take off her clothes overflowed her brain. She reviled quietly.

'Stop thinking about it!'

Out of nowhere, she could envision Peach gradually moving towards her, contacting her face, and calling her name enticingly. She shocks up in bed in shock.

'W-what... What was that?!'


Because of that episode, Siren has been cranky the whole day, in any event, getting more irritated that Peach is sitting next to her.

Why does she have to be my seatmate?

As if on signal, Peach turns her direction and grins at her. She grimaces and turns away.

"Make sure to get your homework done, alright? That is all for today, See you tomorrow."

The students then, at that point started leaving the homeroom one by one. Hana approaches her.

"Siren! We should go!" Siren just gestures at her as she discreetly cleans her things in her sack.

"Are you alright? You're so grumpy today." - Lea

Siren stayed quiet until she completes and holds up. Lea and Hana follow her cluelessly.

"Is it the time of the month?" Lea murmurs enough for Siren to hear. She scowls at her so Lea turns away and murmurs once more. "Yeah, it must be."

They will head out in a different direction subsequent to leaving the school with Lea and Hana's home close to one another.

"Bye, Siren!" Hana waves at her. Lea does as well. Siren would just gesture and wave at them prior to leaving. The two watching her as she strolls.

"I can't help thinking about what made her grumpy? She's been like that the entire day." - Hana

"After that PE class, her mood turned sour."

They will then, at that point sees Peach strolling past them heading a similar way where Siren is.

"I didn't know they live close to each other," Hana remarked.

"I think so too. We should go, It's already late."


Siren could feel somebody following her so she walks quicker however stops suddenly and pivots just to see Peach behind her.


"Are you following me?"

"Ha?" She shakes her head. "Not a chance. We should live in a similar area."

Since when?

She narrows her eyes, far fetched at her.

"Stay where you are."

Peach gestures however she looks befuddled. Siren gradually pivots and leaves.

It wasn't even that long when she heard Peach yelling.

"Siren! Can I walk now!?"

She jumped and balls her clench hand in disturbance.

She' s irritating.

She takes a profound moan and pivots. Peach is as yet in a similar spot where she advised her to stop.

"Do whatever you want!" She yelled back prior to pivoting once more.

"OK, Thank you!" Peach yelled again.


Siren will stop at a playground and under the slide is a medium-sized box and a doggy whom she is dealing with for a long while presently.

She crouches as she goes after him. "Hi. How are you?" The pup moves toward her and sways his tail in amusement. She can't resist the urge to chuckle at his response.

"Amazing. You know brownie as well?" She nearly bounces in shock when she heard that voice. Peach hunches down alongside her.

"So you're the one giving her food. Hi, brownie." Peach grins as she pets the canine.

"Why are you naming him Brownie? Can't you see he is black and white?" She asks annoyingly as she takes a gander at the pup's highly contrasting hide. "Furthermore, he's a male!"

"Really? Then what should we name him then?"

"Whatever." She surrenders and holds up.

"Whatever? That is an awful name." Peach murmurs.

She' s annoying.

Peach gazes toward her when she stood up. "Oh? Where are you going?"

"Home." She replied and leaves.

"OK. See you tomorrow!"

Siren will disregard her while Peach keeps on petting the doggy.