Chapter four

"Siren, I'm hungry, Let's eat?" Peach said in a whimpering tone while they were strolling.

"Then, eat. Why do you need to bring me with you?"

('I want to go home and be away from these people.')

"But, I don't want to eat alone. Let's eat together."

She moans, showing her annoyance. "I told you-"


Before she could even complete her sentence, Peach suddenly flies towards her. The little corridor became so busy and out of reflex, she wraps her arm around Peach's waist as she attempts to protect her from other people, her scent lingers towards her.



"Can't you walk quicker? There are so many people, don't stroll like you're at the park." She scolds as she strolls quicker, still embracing her. Peach goes quiet until they passed the jam-packed corridor. They're currently at the food court.

"That is no joke," Peach remarked.


She gazes toward her and grins. "I can hear your stomach protesting."

Siren then realized that she's still and actually embracing Peach so she releases her quickly, nearly driving her away.

('Why did I do that?')

All things considered, Peach can't erase the grin on her face as she never left her sight.

"Where should we eat?" She asked as she glanced around.

"I told you, I'm not-" Her words were halted by the made by her stomach grumbling.

('Really? Now?')

Peach laughed gently. "How about we go eat there." She doesn't have the opportunity to fight anymore when Peach holds her by the arm and pulls her to a cheap food chain.


Siren drowsily thuds down on the bed, her energy already depleted.

('I'm just glad it's finished. I'm so never going out weekends anymore')

She heard the door opening but didn't try peeking to see who it is. It's just her and her sister who lives there, anyway.

"Hey, how's your shopping?" Her sister, Sorelle asks as she sits adjacent to her while smacking her butt as a hello. She just groaned in reply. She simply feels too drained even to consider talking at this moment.

Sorelle remained silent and began sniffing her. She pivots and drives her face away.

"What's going on with you? Are you a dog? Stop it!"

"Did you... change your perfume?"

"Huh? I don't wear perfume."

"Really?" She inclines nearer again as she sniffs on her shirt. "But, you smell like flowers."

"What..." She sits up and begins smelling her clothes. And it's true, it smells of flowers. She then, at that point recollected what she did before, embracing Peach as they attempt to escape the jam-packed shopping center.

Her face fired up as she could only fully understand what she did earlier.

('I... I hugged Peach. That's why her scent lingered on me.') She quietly smells her clothes once more. ( 'She smells like a flower.')

"Ouch! What was that for?!" She shouted in shock when her sister smacks her in the head. "What's wrong with you?!"

"You're behaving like a moron. It's disgusting."


"We have a similar face so it's irritating to see you looking like that." She then, at that point taps her cheeks delicately.

"What same face are you saying, you're uglier than me!"

She sneers as she stands up and goes after the door. "Really? Then, this ugly will not prepare your food. Go die in hunger then."

"As if your food tastes great!" She likely didn't hear what she said as she already left the room. Siren thuds on the bed once more.

And, as if on cue, She remember what she did before. It's as if Peach was still in her arms, embracing her.

She shakes her head brutally trying to erase that idea.

('I should change my clothes.')

She goes after her closet and snatches a pair of cloth. She smells it once again before removing it.

('I must've been crazy.')



Siren lays her head on the table as she listens to Lea and Hana talking about something.

She could feel her heart skipping a beat when that familiar scent suddenly lingered around her. That same scent that never left her memory since last weekend.

"Good morning!" She greeted happily.

"Good morning, Peach!" Lea and Hana greeted back cheerfully.

Siren's pulse gets quicker when she felt Peach sitting close to her, her scent getting stronger.

('Since when did she wear that perfume? It's suffocating.')

"Good morning, Siren."

"S-shut up."

('Shit. I should've just pretended that I'm asleep. Why do I have to respond?')

As if expecting it, Peach would just snicker at her. It's as if she could tell her face at this moment, all smiling and happy.

She shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath while her pulse stays as before.

('So irritating. Tsk.')


The class has finished yet they all stayed after class to chip away at their plan for the school festival. They all work up in groups, with Siren, Lea, and Hana toward the side of the room cutting shapes on the crepe papers.

"How long are we going to do this? I want to go home." Hana whimpered and halted what she was doing. "My hands are starting to hurt."

"Me too. I want to go home." Lea agreed, taking a quick glance at Siren who looked so serious about cutting papers at this moment.

Minutes after that, she stops and drops the paper and scissors. "I won't do this anymore!" She shouts and stands up.

"Hey, where are you going?" - Hana.

"Outside. Call me when you guys are done and let's go home."

Siren was already out of the classroom before they could even voice out their protest.

"Shall we go outside too?"

Lea smacks her lightly on the head before grabbing the scissor again. "No, finish that one so we could go home."



She quietly sits at the school building entrance's stairs while gazing upward at the skies. She feels refreshed after seeing the sky brimming with stars.

('I want to go home. Until when do they think of doing it?')

She paused.

('Hold on... That perfume...')

She looks around and sees Peach behind her.

"Amazing, the sky looks pretty this evening," Peach said as she sits next to her. Siren stared at her, her heart pulsating so quickly.

('Why is it that every time I look at her, my heart reacts this way?')

It gets worse Peach suddenly turns her way, their eyes meeting.

It seemed like the world stopped spinning with just her and Peach moving. She's amazed at how stunning Peach's hair is being gently swayed by the breeze and the manner in which her expressive eyes take a look at her.

('There must be something wrong with me.')

"You're really beautiful, Siren." Peach whispers.


She promptly stands up and attempts to move in the opposite direction from her.

"S-quit mocking me. You just want me to say it back."

"Say what?"

"T-that you're pretty."

"Really? Thank you, Siren." Peach streaks her unique sweet smile and she feels her face catching fire rapidly. She then, at that point acknowledged she became involved with her snare.

She frowns at her as she turns around and strolled back to the classroom. Peach watched her walk away, her amused smile never leaving her face.

"Oh, you're truly adorable, Siren." She murmurs to herself as she returns to the classroom as well.