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Chapter 16

Maddog's team woke up early. It's the first day of their joined training with Epsilon. They are all excited.

"Maddog, they said that the leader of Epsilon is a female and she's one of the best sniper in the country." Snake said.

"Yeah, but of course, Maximus is still the best of the best." Maddog said.

"What do you think does she looks like?" Wolf asked.

"I don't know. You knew that our physical appearances are well hidden. Let's see her later and give our judgment." Maddog said.

They all went out of their barracks and rode their Armoured Rescue Vehicle going to Epsilon camp.

Epsilon woke up early too and prepared themselves to meet City L's elite force. After their morning routine, Chase and Drew did the cooking and cleaning while the rest did the arrangements of their rooms.

It was near lunch when Maddog's team arrived at the place. The ARV dropped them off and left the place. They were standing outside Epsilon's house. Maddog rang the doorbell and they were in awe when the gate and the door opened automatically.

Drew and the rest of Epsilon were patiently waiting inside. They were standing in one line when Maddog peeked. He signaled his team to come in and arranged themselves properly. Maddog was puzzled seeing Drew in the line. When he saw Chase, he smiled and saluted him.

"Attention!" Maddog said that made his team saluted the Epsilon.

"At ease!" Chase said.

Maddog can't stop his curiosity.

"Big Sis, why are you here?" Maddog asked.

"Ouch!" Maddog said because Chase hit his head. Drew smiled.

"Welcome to Epsilon Camp. You knew already why you're here. Feel at home and enjoy your stay here for two weeks." Drew said.

"Every morning, we'll do our morning routine. We have our schedules in cooking and cleaning and later I'll give you your groupmate by draw lots." Drew said continuously.

"We'll have our combat training, gun shooting, and mock missions daily." Drew said that made the rest sighed.

"Why do I have this feeling that you will give us a dead tired days." Dylan said that made Drew smiled.

"Epsilon, introduce yourselves." Drew said.

"I'm Dylan, Bravo of Epsilon, second in command. But maybe, later on, will be the third in command." Dylan said looking at Chase and Drew alternately. Chase shrugged his shoulders while Drew looked at him with narrowed eyes. Maddog and his team became puzzled.

"I'm Lou, Charlie of Epsilon." Lou said.

"I thought she was the Alpha." Maddog said and made a curious look at Drew that made the latter smiled at him. Maddog gulped. "I'm doomed." He said inwardly.

"I'm Shawn, Delta of Epsilon."

"I'm Spencer, Echo of Epsilon." Shawn and Spencer said one after the other.

"I'm Chase, Beta of Epsilon." Maddog smiled when he heard the new name of Maximus.

Maddog and his team were patiently waiting for Drew's introduction.

"Last but not the least." Maddog said inwardly.

"I'm Drew, Alpha of Epsilon." Drew said that made Maddog and his team dumbfounded. Drew wanted to laugh seeing their reactions.

"So, it's your turn now." Drew said that made them come back into their senses.

"Yes, Sir, Ma'am..." they weren't able to finish their sentence because of the laughers of Epsilon.

"Relax, I'm not going to bite you and besides, we're only having our introductions and not yet the training. Reserve your energy when we're in our training." Drew said sweetly that made them more nervous.

"By the way, what's your team's name?" Drew asked.

"You can name them if you want. I haven't think of a name that will suit them." Chase said looking at Drew.

"Okay. I'll think about that. For now, I'll call your team, Maximus." Drew said and the team nodded.

"Okay Maximus, introduce yourselves." Drew said. Chase smiled hearing his past codename.

"Yes, Ma'am, Yes!" Maximus spoke at once.

"I'm Barry, Maddog Of Maximus."

"I'm Chandler, Snake Of Maximus."

"I'm Damon, Wolf Of Maximus."

"I'm Flynn, Ram Of Maximus."

"I'm Glenn, Claw Of Maximus."

"I'm Harley, Fang of Maximus." The men said simultaneously.

The Epsilon smiled at Maximus. They can see themselves to this new generation of elite force and they can say they will do good on their missions. Chase was proud of his trainees. But of course, they still needed some guidance from the well experienced Epsilon.

"Okay, enough with the introduction. Let's eat first and we'll discuss later out activities for the following days." Drew said

All of them sat on the dining table that was changed to cater them all. Chase and Drew served them food. Maddog wanted to help but was pulled back to his seat by Dylan. "You'll have your time. For now, let them serve us." Dylan said smiling.

They enjoyed the food cooked by Chase. After the sumptuous lunch, Drew and Lou prepared the draw lots for the cooking and cleaning schedule and the room sharing. Maximus became excited because they thought that Drew and Lou are part of the draw lots particularly the room sharing but to their dismay, they weren't included.

"Okay, here's your groupmate. Barry and Chandler will join Chase and me in cleaning and cooking. Damon and Flynn on Dylan and Lou. And Glenn and Harley on Shawn and Spencer. For the room sharing, Chase and Barry, Dylan and Chandler, Shawn and Damon, Spencer and Flynn, Glenn and Harley." Drew said continuously.

"Are these groupings okay with you guys?" Drew asked.

"Big Sis... Ouch!" Barry said but being hit again by Chase.

"Alpha, why is that you and Charlie not included in the room sharing?" Barry asked stroking his head. Drew smiled.

"You can call us by our names when we are not on a mission but when we're on it, call us by our code names, understood?" Drew said.

"I can call you big sis?" Barry asked. Drew nodded. Barry looked at Chase triumphantly. Chase will hit him again but he ran beside Drew that made the latter laughed. Chase rolled his eyes. The rest laughed.

"Another Bravo in the making." The rest of Epsilon said inwardly.

"About your question why Drew and Lou are not included in the room sharing? If you want to finish your training in one piece, you better not stay with them in one room." Dylan said that made the rest of Epsilon laughed and Maximus puzzled.

"For now, take your rest and prepare yourselves later. We'll do gun shooting and I'll see if there's still improvements to be made." Drew said.

Maximus nodded and they guided by their roommates to their respective rooms.

"Senior, what do you think of Big sis?" Barry asked while they were inside the room.

"What do you mean?" Chase asked lying on bed.

"Is she really the Alpha of Epsilon?" Barry said that made Chase smiled.

"Believe it or not, yes, she's the Alpha." Chase answered.

"Why did you joined Epsilon and not us?" Barry asked. Chase looked at him.

"I need to protect her and the only way to do it is to join them." Chase said.

"Don't you ever tell anyone about this." Chase continued.

"But why? Does she even need your protection?" Barry asked curiously.

"It's a request from his dad. She was injured before and her father doesn't want it to happen again." Chase said.

"I see." Barry said.

"Do you like her?" Barry asked that made Chase choked. Barry smiled.

"You will not accept the mission if you don't like her. It's the first time you accepted one that involved a woman." Barry said.

"You should rest and be ready for later. Drew maybe a softie at the outside but she's really strict when it comes to work." Chase said. Barry knew that Chase diverted their conversation so he nodded and took his rest.