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Chapter 19

"To make it more thrilling, I have put three different sniper rifles here. The first is BARRETT M82. The next one is the STEYR SSG 69. And the last one is the BARRETT M95. I made up this idea to train you to aim your target even with a different rifle. You will move to the next rifle after the other. We will base our score on numbers. The perfect target will be ten, the next is five, and the last is one." Drew said.

"We don't have a loser yesterday so today, I'm sure there will be." Drew continued that made Maximus members gulped.

"So, let's start with Maximus." Drew said that made Maximus members open their mouths widely.

"Big sis, can you please be the first to do it so we can see your abilities and make it us our guide." Barry said smiling.

"Sure, no problem." Drew said smiling sweetly. Maximus were dumbfounded. Chase cleared his throat that made them come back to their senses.

"By the way, there will be a timer." Drew said winking at them. Epsilon and Maximus nodded but Epsilon felt there will be something different.

"One second from the time you hold the rifle and aim your target." Drew said that made Maximus members' eyes opened widely while Epsilon sighed.

"There she goes again." Epsilon said inwardly. Chase was the only one who looked calm and smiling.

"You really want them to be the best, huh?" Chase said.

"Of course. If I can't make them the best of the best, what's the use of this joined training?" Drew said looking at Chase seriously. Chase waved his hand surrendering to his Alpha.

"So, I'll start." Drew said and she positioned herself in front of the first rifle. In an instant, she finished the three guns. Maximus members weren't able to move and to talk because they were greatly astounded with Drew's performance.

"The fast and the furious." Maximus members spoke at once that made Epsilon laughed. Chase was also stupefied seeing Drew's sniping and he was still on dazed when Dylan patted his shoulders.

"Senior, what can you say about that?" Dylan said smiling because Chase looked like he saw a ghost.

"Magnificent..." Chase said while his eyes were still on Drew. Dylan laughed.

"Senior, you're drooling." Dylan said and Chase looked at him with narrowed eyes.

Because Drew remembered what Chase did when they were in the quadrangle, she looked at him with wicked eyes.

"Chase, you're next. Let's see what you've got." Drew said. Chase stood from his seat and walked towards Drew.

Drew became alarmed and immediately put her hand on her mouth seeing Chase is walking towards her with a devilish smile.

The people around them became curious.

"Why are you covering your mouth, Drew?" Lou asked that made Drew blushed.

"Oh nothing, I will yawn so I cover my mouth." Drew said blushing. Chase's smile became more brightly and teasing.

"Don't be too obvious." Chase said. Drew punched him in his stomach but the latter only received it without feeling any pain. Drew just gave him an angry squint that made the rest smiled.

Chase held the first rifle and, just like Drew, he finished the drill perfectly. Now, it was the time for Epsilon to be amaze with Chase and Maximus to be proud.

"That was great, Senior!" Dylan said smiling.

"You're really capable of being the next second in command. I will greatly give the position to you." Dylan continued.

Dylan knew his capabilities but seeing and knowing Chase, he can protect their Alpha and the whole team.

"Well, it depends on your Alpha, if she will give me the chance." Chase said looking at Drew. "We'll see about that. If you can prove to me that you're more worth than Dylan, then, I'll reconsider it." Drew said.

"How will he prove it to you?" Dylan asked.

"If he can defeat me once." Drew said.

"Okay! Just once?" Chase asked.

"Yes!" Drew said and Chase nodded.

The sniping competition continued until all them were done. The scores were tallied and as expected Chase and Drew got the highest scores. The rest of the Epsilon followed and Maximus were next but their scores were not far from the Epsilon.

"Big sis, can you teach us more about sniping. We wanted to learn from you." Barry said.

"Okay but first, let's have our lunch and let's rest for a while. Later this afternoon, we will teach you more about sniping." Drew said and they went inside the house.

Maximus members were paired to Epsilon members for the sniping lessons. Barry insisted that he wants to be paired with Drew though, Chase was looking at him with daggers in his eyes.

"You should be accurate. You should think fast. When there's a life and death situation, your mind must be in active state." Drew said and Barry attentively listened.

"Stand right there. In aiming, you should position your body correctly." Drew said while patting Barry's shoulders and back.

"Hold the rifle. No, not like that." Drew said and guided Barry's body into the right angle.

Chase was fuming inside. "You jerk, wait until we'll be inside the room. I'll break your bones." Chase said in a low voice so Chandler heard it and smiled.

Barry felt that there's someone looking at him and when he looked around, he saw Chase's narrowed eyes. Barry, sometimes still behaves like a child so he sticks out his tongue to Chase. The others saw what Barry have done and smiled. Chase got ticked off and hurriedly approached Barry that immediately hid from Drew's behind. Accidentally, Barry pushed Drew and lost her balance.

Drew readied herself to hit the ground and closed her eyes. She was expecting a hard surface but she felt a body and arms encircling her waist. She opened her eyes and was shocked to see Chase smiling face.

The people inside the range were shouting with a teasing tone because of Chase and Drew's positions. Drew blushed.

"Let go of me." Drew said trying to free herself from Chase's embrace.

"You're the one who fell from me but you're the one who is angry?" Chase asked.

"Barry pushed me and because it was instantaneous, I wasn't prepared and lost my balance." Drew said still wiggling. Chase looked at Barry who's scratching his head.

"I'm sorry, Big sis." Barry said but Drew gave him an angry squint.

Drew is jiggling so she can free herself from Chase but the man's arms are hard as rock.

"If I were you, I will stop from moving because I might awaken someone down below." Chase whispered on Drew's ears that sent shivers on her body. Drew understood what Chase said and her face became red in color. She's actually feeling something on her legs but didn't paid much attention to it. But when Chase told her that she might awaken someone, she became aware of it immediately.

"All of you, continue what you are doing!" Drew said shouting that made the rest moved back to their places.

"And you, release me now!" Drew said in an angry tone. Chase raised his hand. Drew stood up and by accident, she looked on Chase's lower body and she was shocked seeing his erection.

"You...!" Drew said and kicked his legs. Chase, seeing Drew's embarrassment, laughed naughtily.