" Get off me". The bitch is just too clingy, this is the second time we are having sex, so she knows the

rules; leave after sex, no cuddling and definitely no sleeping over and here she is holding onto me for

dear life.

"Emalia, you know you not suppose to still be here" she stirred and looked at me with blue eyes and her

messy chestnut hair like I was speaking gibberish. "And now you are ignoring me? You need to leave"

she just stood up glaring at me.

" its Emma and go fuck yourself" she stormed out.

" well we already did that" I'm not an asshole or anything but I don't want her thinking she now owns

me because I've called her twice. I know that I am a player but I can't help it, why settle for one when

you can have them all. I better get ready for my concert or my manager Eric will cut my balls. Yeah, I

know very extreme but he can be very scary I don't want to know if he will make good of his threat. I

love my balls. Checking the time its three hours to the concert and I have to be there an hour early.

Getting of the bed I went straight to shower and turn it on, once its to the temperature of my liking I

went in. Five minutes later I walk to my walk in closet with towel wrapped around my waist, though my

hair is still dripping wet but hey I don't care. Standing in the middle of the closet I look at the different

section my stylist divided my closet into, he had separated the casuals, corporate, party and so on so it'll

be easier to access. I was tempted to cause drama with my outfit when I saw an outfit in a cloth bag

lying on the chair with a note that says 'no drama please', the last time I did something like that the

social media world went kaboom kaboom, I had to leave town immediately to save myself from Eric, I

had to bribe my way out of being murdered by him. That bastard knows me too well so I decided to

wear the outfit he left.

The crowd cheered while I sang, it felt so good. I began to scan the crowd so I could have a lady on stage

to dance when I sing " you make me want to be me" yea I know what you are thinking but it'd be more

meaningful if there was someone I could sing to. I scanned looking for an exceptional beauty that I could

head back to my hotel with and that was when I saw her in a jumpsuit, the contrast of the color of her

outfit to her skin and her curly black hair is outstanding. I can't really tell the color of her eyes but I bet

it'll be as beautiful as the rest. I would love to know if tastes how it looks and her hair oh I know it'll be

soft to rake my fingers through it.

"New York City! Let me hear you scream!? I was answered with thunderous scream. "for my new song 'you

make me want to be me' I need a sexy-gorgeous-damsel up here, who's it gon be. I said giving my

signature smirk. My eyes swipe through fans screaming, jumping, some even screamed pick me to grab

my attention but my eyes strayed back to the hotsie in a jumpsuit. I know a lot of people will be on my

concert T-shirt but I can't really notice them now, all I'm thinking of is what I will do to that girl when I

get her, I don't know the attraction, I've never been with a black girl before but there is something

about her I need to figure out

So I it made look like I was actually searching, after a while I called her.

"hey, you" I said pointing to her, all the girls around her keep saying "me" "is it me" "oh my gosh, I can't

believe it" something tells me she knows I'm talking to her cause she is just starring at me not moving. I

further described "the lady in a jumpsuit with dark curly hair" then there was a deafening scream, the girl beside her whispered something to her and she looked down and back up then looked straight into

my eyes and shake her head. I smiled and said "you can't deny me baby, come on".

Ivy's POV

"You can't deny me baby, come on". Baby? Is he seriously out of his mind? Out of all the girls in this place, he picked me.

"You better go up stage or trust me we are no longer friends" Cass said pushing me forward, everyone is now looking at me but I refused to move.

"I think our little lady needs a little push" he winked , okay I won't deny he looks extremely hot and handsome It should be illegal and his eyes are electric blue that you can get lost in.... What....get lost in? The asshole called me little lady, but I wonder how his ass'll look like..... Urggh I think I better stop reading books that will mess my mind up cause now I feel like I'm floating...floating?!!! That was when I realize that I've been lifted and being passed hand to hand over people's head toward the stage.