In life there are things we always swore we'd never do, like; pick your nose, scratch your butt, or let a nigga play you or in my case let a not-so-stranger go down on me. But here we are. I was the kind of girl thatdon't kiss strangers or do one night stands or even swoon for a celebrity but girl he is working my body like a freaking handiman and I can tell you that I am definitely swooning. Obsessed. He kissed down my shoulders to my stomach driving me insane and Just as he was about to pull my jean down my phone rings urggghh I don't know if I should be mad or relieved I cant believe I allowed scott or rather played along with him on this.

"just let it ring on and call them back later" he continued what he was doing and I can tell you that he is definitely good with his tongue.

"what if it is important..ahhh" oh dear he si doing some really weird thing to my belly button but it felt too good to even remember what I wanted to say. So I forgot about everything else and pulled him up to kiss that lips again…mmmh he tastes like sin, the type you'd want to go to hell for.

"someone is getting really bold" he smirk and my phone rings again urggh

"I really need to get the phone, it could be an emergency"

"you owe me big time and I know how to collect" I just stick my tongue out to him and took out my phone to see that its my mum God help me

" hey mum, how…" and I was cut off by her majesty

"is that how to greet? You've been there for like two minutes and already forgotten your home training?" oh come on just shoot me

"sorry mum, good evening ma" I've forgotten that where I come from you have to greet properly if you don't want to get beatten…yea I know like you screaming and your mum chasing you with a whip kind of beating.

"how are you doing?"

"I am doing good mum and how are you?" I forgot scott was still there till he started nibbling on my ear"mmmh" I covered my phone's mouthpiece to shoo Scott away but to late because my mum heard it.

" what was that… what was that sound you made?" oh no

"it was nothing mum, I just cleared my throat" she might just start preaching about fornication now

"that didn't sound like you were clearing your throat, it sounded like moaning"not today please "have you started fornicating Ivy Chizaram Smith?" Scott have been there choking with laughter I guess I'll have to reduce my call volume because it seems that he can hear our conversation.

"no mum, I haven't" I have but she doesn't have to know that now, does she?

"what do you mean by no, I am going to skip you and you better pick up or so help me God you will know why they call me lioness. Okay she always brags about this and my dad confirmed it that while they were in high school people fear my mum because she beat whoever stands in her way be it a male or a female, so yeah they call her 'the lioness'

"okay mum" she hung up and I know it'll take a minute for her to skip me so I tried to convince Scott to hide, keyword being tried "come on Scott just for few minutes for her to satisfy her curiosity"

"no, I want to see what your mum looks like and probably introduce myself" what!

"you want to meet my mum? No way, we are not even dating"

"thank you for reminding" he held his heart in mock hurt "but meeting your mum will be the next step in our relationship and at least she'll know you are not fornicating with some loser" he said chuckling. Urghh why do I even bother arguing

"don't think you'll get her approval, my parents never approve of anyone I've ever brought home"

"well good thing I'm not anyone. I am 'the Scott Davis' after all who can reject me" men and their ego

" keep on…" my mum is calling via skip, here goes nothing. I answered putting on the biggest smile I can muster considering the situation and simultaneously trying to cut Scott out of the screen which is not working since he followed my phone like bees to honey " mum"

"where are you and who is that trying to jump into your phone?" urggh Scott for Pete's sake

"just a friend, he took me out for coffee mum. Scott say good evening to my mum" I stressed the word so he'll understand what I mean

"good evening ma'am, how are you doing today?" wow he sounds like a really responsible boy. Pfft yeah Scott and responsible shouldn't even be in the same sentence , except if it has to do with him being responsible for a girl's pregnancy

"I am doing just great and who are you to my daughter" please say friend, please say friend

"oh she is my girlfriend" oh boy