Chapter 11

Scott’s POV

How can she just leave me hanging, after thinking we are getting somewhere she just decided to change her mind. Was it because of her mother? Why will she change her mind because of her mother? Uggghhh this is driving me crazy. I thought I would just get what I want from her and call it quits but she isnt giving me a chance.

I am at home now still slightly pissed that she left me hanging. Moving away from the stairs cause my initial plan was to go up to my room and sleep it off but now I know that sleep won’t even come at this rate so I took a detour, to my left is the kitchen I hardly use; not because I don’t know how to cook but because I don’t have the time, although my housekeeper Mrs Thompson cooks once in a while for me whenever I ask because I’m always out for a show or some music tour. And just pass the kitchen is a brown double door that lead to my studio. Yeah I know, I have a studio at home so I can record whenever inspiration comes. Now sitting in my favourite chair in the studio I begin brainstorming on ideas on how to get Ivy to sleep with me. Because obviously that’s the only reason I am interested in her right? Scott doesn’t do relationships; it is bad for business and bad for business if you know what I mean. I have to devise another plan on how to get her. I know you must be thinking, why can’t I just forget about her and move to someone who wants me? Well I like me a good challenge and nobody can say no to me, nobody can resist my charm, not even you Ivy. While still thinking about my plan my phone starts ringing and I swear if it isn’t important I don’t care who it is that person will pay dearly for ruining my planning mood. Looking at the screen and arrggghh Eric…fucking Eric why does it have to be him even if he is my best friend he is still annoying. Picking up the shrilling phone swiping it to answer.

“what now man, I am not in the mood for whatever it is you want to say” I know it cant be good news, if Eric has good news you’d know

“how can you be crankier than me , whatever is happening to you over there can’t be as bad as I am feeling now”

“what is it, don’t beat around the bush and tell me what could be worse than what I am experiencing?” I seriously don’t have time for this.

“it is definitely worse and by the way what are you even talking about? What has got your pant in a twist?” for fuck sake he should go to th efucking point

“dude be serious for once and tell me what is going on or I’ll hang up”

“okay, there is news of you going around chasing a certain girl, there are even pictures . if I didn’t know better I would say they were facts after seeing pictures but I know you and I know how people can fake news even to the extent of photoshoping.” Oh god, he’ll really freak out once he finds out that it was not a rumour but I have more pressing isue right now. “are you even listening to me?”

Uh the nerve of this guy “yes I am” I didn’t know I spaced out while he was talking but I really want to get this call over and done with

“are you sure?, uh never mind, as I was saying, there is no way you’d actualy do that right?” I couldn’t reply because I’ve never done something that might potentially jeopardize my career and here I am still thinking about the perpetrator “because I know you are not into mushy mushy stuff”

“okay, here’s what happened…” and the winner of the best approach goes to me, yay!

“that doesn’t sound like you denying it, you did it didn’t you?” he didn’t even wait for reply “how could you, how could you do that because of a chick that you just to hit?”

“its hard to explain okay. I tried to just ignore her after that day but it didn’t work, so I thought if I had her just once then everything will be alright and besides I didn’t know it will be blown out of proportion.”

“blown out of proportion? You were seen following her around campus, having a standoff with some guy because of her and also taking her out. You are lucky the paper just put it as love at first sight and not a pathetic celeb stalker. You are a celebrity remember you are the eye candy of New York City, your business is everyone’s business. and did you say you’ve seen her before? Who is this girl that you’ve seen before and you still want to see?”

“oh quit it Eric I didn’t mean that type of ‘seen’. Uh she’s the girl from my concert Ivy she’s the campus girl”

“yeah I remember her now, so she didn’t fall for your charm?” I just groaned because I know he might tease me about this later when everything have been settled “no wonder, because I know if you’ve seen a girl that means you’ve slept with her, so this Ivy of a girl is giving you hard time or she’s not interested at all” he said laughing, I guess the situation is not as bad as I thought since he’s laughing

“you find this funny?”

“yeah that there is a girl that didn’t let you have her precious cookies at first sight? Yeah it is fuuny.”

“then I guess the scandal isn’t that big then since you can find humour in this situation”

“oh it isn’t anymore since I have done damage control”

“then when you called why did you sound like it was the end of the world?”

“so you’ll know the gravity of your offence” uuhhh he is so dramatic “all you have to do now is to just make sure you don’t go to her again and we’ll just say you did fan service for her” mission not accomplished yet, so I can’t give up on her yet.

“I can’t do that”

“and why the hell not”

“because I haven’t gotten what I wanted and you know me, I always get what I want.” And that is a promise