Chapter 13

I am sooo stunned right now, my dad calling me princess suggests he is not mad at me and I wonder why. You can tell my dad’s mood based on what he calls you and him calling me princess means that he is not even a bit mad and that is very weird, considering he was the one that said not to get involved with a foreign guy, he was totally against the idea of me even studying outside Nigeria. I just have to find out what he have in mind

“hey dad!” just one look from him made me to do the needful “good evening dad” in Nigeria, we don’t see greeting elders with words like ‘hey’ ‘hi’ and so on respectful, we greet with words like ‘good morning’, ‘good afternoon and good evening’.

“how are you doing?” confused to be honest but this question is mechanical, I don’t think you can answer how you really feel, except to say fine because that is the expected answer

“I am doing great dad”