Virudhaka Stands Up

When my sensei announced the high priest's death, the chief priest stood up in a flash and cried out, "I have to prepare for the memorial service as soon as possible!" while folding the futon himself.

"You don't seem to be dizzy anymore", said Dr. Tokuhon.

"You're right! Thank you! The medicine seems to have worked."

"Maybe, not only the medicine worked, but also, you have been given a break from your worries."

"It might be the case too."

Dr. Tokuhon took the young priest's left hand, checked his pulse, and nodded deeply, "It looks like you're going to be all right now."

"Yes. In the back of my mind, I was still relying on my master, but I can't do that anymore. It's my chief priest's job to keep the temple from now on."

The chief priest was full of vim and vigor, like he has become Virudhaka.

Something might have been blown out of his heart by the death of the high priest. From his situation, we can see that the mind and the body are closely related.

The young priest took 16 mon from the coin case and handed it to the doctor.

"Fair enough."

My sensei counted the number of coins and put them in his coin case.

The priest bowed his head.

"Thank you very much for your services!"

"Well, I'm afraid I couldn't be of much help."

"That's not true. You have been very helpful. Please leave before the ravages of war involve you."

"Yes, sir. I intend to."

The doctor bowed with a serious expression on his face.

"I pray for your safety."

"Thank you."

The chief priest called one of the little monks to guide us, and then he briskly walked out of the main hall.

We had the option of staying and helping the chief priest, but if by any chance my sensei were to lose his life here, hundreds of people would lose their lives in the future.

That is why we had to depart. No one else could help those who are suffering from illnesses but my sensei.

On March 1, 1582 (AKA the 10th year of Tensho), an army of 30,000 men led by Nobutada Oda surrounded Takato Castle.

Morinobu Nishina, the lord of the castle, refused to open the castle and fought an all-out battle with only 3,000 men.

The following day, on March 2, the vanguard corps of the Oda forces led by Mori Nagayoshi invaded Sannomaru (The third fort of the castle). They climbed up on the roof of San-no-maru, peeled off the roof tiles, and fired their tanegashima (matchlock guns) at the castle all at once. This triggered the Oda forces to break through the castle gate. Morinobu Nishina fought hard, but was no match for them and wound up committing suicide in the castle.

We narrowly escaped this mayhem as we had left Kofukuji three days earlier, on February 26.

When my sensei heard the news of Morinobu Nishina's suicide from a mago (packhorse driver) passing by, he turned in the direction of Takato Castle and offered a silent prayer.

The temples in the area were also devastated. The Gumyoji temple, which had refused to provide food to the Takeda forces out of loyalty to them, was burnt to the ground by the Oda forces. On the other hand, the Kofukuji temple didn't refuse Oda's orders, but it was burnt down by the Takeda forces as well.

It was a fateful incident that no matter which party one sided with, Takeda or Oda, the temples were eventually destroyed by fire.

According to rumors, the chief priest has been struggling to collect donations to rebuild the temple.

Although he lost the temple, he seemed to have become more aware of his role as a priest.