
Tara's pov

Why does abbu always remind me that I am alone in this world? I am his daughter still he loves Roshni more than me He gives Roshni more importance instead of me. I don't hate Roshni for this but what is there in Roshni that makes abbu love her more than his daughter.

Tara collapsed on the floor while there were photos scattered all over the floor .

Her phone started ringing but she didn't bother to check who was calling her her phone was continuously ringing she got up irritatingly and put her phone on silent and laid on her bed as she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

On the other hand, Ayaan was continuously calling Tara but she didn't answer his calls which angered him a lot.

He sent her a message saying " meet me at 4 pm at the place we usually meet . IF U ARE INTERESTED" after that he left for office.

Ayan - "YOU ARE FIRED" this was the only thing he was doing since morning he vented all his anger on the employees.

"Shikha cancel all the meetings for today," he said to his P.A and ended the call before she could reply

Tara wakes up from sleep and hears someone banging her door she opens the door and Roshni comes in looking worried

"what the hell Tara, what were you doing huh I was knocking every 10 mins for 2 hours " she yelled at Tara but then she suddenly sees Tara's eyes were swollen

"wait a min Tara were you crying " she cupped Tara's face while asking

"N-No why would i-i cry I was sleeping that's why " she stammered while talking and Roshni looked at her suspiciously

"Are you sure? " Roshni asked while tara nodded and said Roshni she'll get fresh and come downstairs. After coming out of the washroom Tara checks her phone and sees 20 missed calls from Ayan and a message.

She immediately opened the message and reads " meet me at 4 pm at the place we usually meet . IF U ARE INTERESTED" she reads the message and realises that he is angry.

"Ya Allah it's 6 pm already now I am 2 hours late.

Ayan is already angry because I didn't answer his call and now I am also late he'll be angrier"

she immediately gets ready and was about to leave the house when Roshni calls her "Tara where are you going? At least eat something you didn't have lunch also"

T-" Roshni I will eat outside ok now I need to go by" she kisses tara on the cheek and runs out R-"I need an explanation when you're back home " Roshni shouts from behind.



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