
Tara just leave me alone" he said in anger . "But Ayaan atleast tell me what happened " I asked again , which angered Ayaan more, I guess?.

"Can't you understand, I said leave me alone . It's ok you stay here and I'll leave" he roared and stormed out of the room

. I ran behind him but before I could reach him , he sat on his car and left within seconds his car was nowhere to be seen.

"What happened to him" I thought and went back to my room. While coming back to my room I heard Azaan shouting at Roshni. What's wrong with these 2 , they are venting their stupid anger on us . It was 2 am and Ayaan didn't return yet.

I was waiting for him the whole day, I wonder what has happened. Suddenly my room's door was opened, I knew it was him ."where were you" I got up and asked but he ignored me looking at the other side.