I leave the stairs and see that the place was totally different from the upstairs, instead of being "abandoned" it looked like it had been renovated, I went to the left because there were some rooms and I thought that Tae and Antonia could have gone down too, so I walked slowly down the corridor because if they were there it could scare them and they could also be armed. From nowhere I saw something that looked like a person to be more exact it looked like a woman from afar, well it did, because I noticed abnormalities that came to my mind that it could be a possession of some spirit that was looking for me in the asylum, I turned around and I ran down the hall in despair until I fell and hurt my leg, because of that I limped to a room I found under a staircase, I smelled a horrible smell, but I wasn't in a position to complain, right? I entered the room and the smell started to get worse, it was a smell that looked like rotten blood.
The room was white with broken windows and there was blood all over the place, I was following him even though something inside me said "—Don't do that!" until he spotted a bloodstained knife at the entrance to what appeared to be the room's bathroom. When I entered the first thing I saw that there was a sink full of bloodstains and the faucet open and gushing water, there were bloody footprints that gave the direction to where the end of my curiosity would be, I followed the footprints and gave another one The door then I realized that there was a type of washbasin you had in old hospitals, I opened the door that was stained with blood, when the light entered the small bathroom I saw something I never thought I would see in my life. A young woman with several cuts on her body in a bathtub with her hands tied, her hands were out of the bathtub, and her body was floating in bloody water, I'm startled to see a spirit of a girl in the window, then I realize which was the spirit of the girl in the bathtub, I hear her voice.
"Run away soon... you're in the wrong place at the wrong time! The golden lady is almost here!" – Speaks warning me of the danger.
After listening to her I thanked her and ran even though my leg hurt a lot, I went to the hallway near the stairs again and ended up falling due to pain, that pain was getting worse, I heard footsteps then I saw a large room with sunlight then I thought that “Since there is light, no one would look for me in a place like this!”. So I entered the strange room, and the strong smell of mold was horrible even with the broken windows and the air circulating through the room, I heard footsteps again and they were closer, I ran into the small room that was inside the large room, I went in there inside and already looked for some place so I could hide. It was a small room indeed, but it had a hardwood cabinet, its doors were inset wood that had spaces between them that ventilated the cabinet. The musty smell inside the room was still strong for me, that's when I heard a male voice.
" Who's there? I saw someone come in, answer me!"
I didn't know what to do so I went into the closet in a hurry and even then I was careful not to make a noise as I didn't want to be discovered, in the end I wasn't sure if it was Tae or some crazy rogue. I made a deathly silence, worthy of a cemetery, that's when I hear steps right in front of the closet where I was hiding, and with that I hear someone calling me.
"Laura, are you here? .... I swore I had seen her!"