THERE was a complete disorder when Airoh released his black fire. Even Zenus did not hesitate to unleash his hellfire coming from his twin swords. Both of them were on Rieska’s side to get her and attempted to run, but they couldn’t make her move even an inch. The magic inside Rieska’s body was stronger than they expected.
Furcas attacked them. He released his dark wind magic, which they quickly blocked. Airoh was not new to his sorcery. Any living being in contact with his dark air would suffer extreme torture from the mind.
Shax and Lahash helped Furcas to attack them. But Airoh and Zenus dodged their magic aggression.
On the other side, Esdras just stood like a spectator. He looked unbothered by what was happening.
Everyone on Airoh’s team finally appeared from their hiding place. Some fought on the ground, and others, above, a few gathered around the queen.
Although they were severely outnumbered, a thought of backing down never crossed their mind.