Everything has Change

The 1st day of 2022 the new earphone was release by DL company and got a lot of advertisement from the television, even on youtube, facebook and all social media. And the advertisement was totally viral at the second day the stock of DL company for the earphone was sold out.

They sold more than 1 Million per day for earphone.

The DL company hired more workers to do the job because they can't already control the consumers in buying for that earphone. Because why not, they already know from the start that the earphone can be a big help for them, easily to search or ask something specially to those student who has difficult to do in class. They even use to cheat on their classes and that cause a big problem to the school.

The DL company reaching up in 1 week, their sales already grow up x9 every and part of the earth are talking about the earphones that he invented.

They reach billions of income for the first month.

And Jack always makes himself busy every single day since he started to launch the new earphone of DL Company.

A lot of reporter from the media wanted to know how he created that earphone. Jack has always a simple answer to it.

"I was inspired by one person and this person belittled me and that made me challenged to prove to him that he was wrong and that's the reason why I created the earphone."

The owner of F company was very mad because every time he open the tv or social media they are always talking about that earphone. And the F Company's sales started to get off. The owner of F Company thought of buying that earphone and tried to check on why it has gone viral.

He call all the programmer and inventors he knows just to check on the earphone because even the owner of F Company has a hard time to check what program he uses to create that earphone. But even the other programmer that he asked for help doesn't even know where it came from, the signal or the program itself. They can't disguise it. And that makes him more eager to discover what

secret did Jack put unto his invention.

The DL company already own 75 percent of consumers all around the world by using the earphone in just only a month.

Two months later, the son of Jack always experiencing a bad headache. And in those month there are also a lot of people who go to hospital for their check up because they are also experiencing a bad headache. All the doctors do not yet panic because they thought it was just maybe the hot weather.

But after many weeks, there are more and more people that is going back and forth to the hospital for a single reason of having a bad headache, even some of the doctors are also already gotten by it.

This triggered the nation and this news spread out, because having a bad headache is already spreading.

All netizens was experiencing the same issue: they started to have a red eyes and their skin starting to get dry and they were always feels hungry all the time.

One of the most popular doctor was interviewed and concluded that the reason of the headache was too much usage of the earphone that invented by the DL company.

After that message of that doctor the media was on the attention of the DL company. They went to the DL Company for them to get a chance to hear the side of the owner of the company. Jack answer all the allegation that concluded with regards his invention and he said,

"They are just creating a bad image towards our company because they know that the earphone was very helpful to everyone. You also know that we have a lot of competitors and they are spreading bad news toward us. And they wanted to get the attention they needed that today I am experiencing it. I hope that those are experiencing those headache will be healed."

Jack went home after that interview. Upon reaching home, he drive slowly because he saw a lot of vehicles in front of their house.

Upon seeing some ambulance and he hurriedly went out from his car and ran towards their door. Upon reaching the door he saw his son inside of the ambulance. And then he saw his wife beside the ambulance, he directly went to her and in nervous voice he asked,

"What happen? Why is Austin in there my Love?", he asked while looking at his son inside the ambulance.

He didn't wait for the answer of his wife and directly went up to the ambulance but upon moving his right leg to go inside. Her wife restrained him and Jack looked at him worriedly and wondering why can't he see Austin. And the ambulance made its way to the hospital.

Her wife talked in her panic voice while they glance at the ambulance where Austin ride in,

"Austin was vomiting and he is experiencing a bad headache while holding his head my love. I was very scared because he can't even take away his hand on his head." Jack tries to calm his wife by hugging him.

"Let's go." Upon riding to his car he told to his driver,

"Follow that ambulance I need to check my son if he is ok." Jack commanded.

At the hospital they do all the x-ray, scanned the head of Austin and after all the test, the doctor show to them the results of Austin.

"Look Mr. Jack in this part of his brain there's a little black surrounded in the deep side of his brain. I can' tell yet what is it but I think it is serious that needed to be treats immediately." the doctor explained.

"Are you telling me doctor that my son has a cancer?" Jack asked worriedly.

"I am not really sure if your son has a cancer because this is so new to me Mr. Jack. But can you tell me all the details of what is he doing all the time before he experience this? And what food does he intake?", the doctor continue to ask.

The wife of Jack answer the question of the doctor instead.

"Doctor my son eat a good food everyday. I make sure I always let him eat healthy foods. But mostly he do is watching the television and using the earphone all the time", she explained.

"Here Mr. Jack take a look at your sons' eyes, it is full of red more on sore and his skin is getting dry.", the doctor opened both eyes of Austin.

"Don't get wrong Mr. Jack but is he using the newly invented earphone by your company?" doctor asked in a slow manner in way that Mr. Jack won't misunderstand him.

"Yes doctor". Jack's wife answered.

"Well then I think there is somewhat connection to the small black thing in your sons brain because of too much usage of the earphone of your son". The doctor explained it to him clearly enough to understand the possible reason why Austin and what he has.

Jack can't help himself but to get mad of what the doctor just said and without a thought of his words he angrily said,

"You are a stupid doctor if you don't know what is happening to my son! And don't make a conclusion that he got that from the earphone I invented because that invention was a great help to everybody and even to you doctor!", Jack was very mad and he can't control himself.

"Atleast don't make a bad comment about my invention". Jack's face was all over red while talking to the doctor.

He look to his wife and said, "Love get our son, and we'll just bring him home and I will look for a better doctor."

They went out from that hospital knowing all of their patients who was confine was all suffering from a bad headache, having a red eyes and their skin was getting l dry just like his son's situation but he can't bear his mind that the simple problem was that of the earphone itself?

The doctor was speechless with what Mr. Jack just said and did but still worried with what will happen to his son if he won't be cured immediately.

At the outside of the hospital there was unexpectedly happening - people was fighting each other. And upon looking at the street it looks weird also because there are lots of people who are fighting and killing each other.