
Fugen has been longing to discover the cure since his wife died from the bite of the attacker (living dead).

He still remembers the time when it started it all. He was on his way in going home when he have been stopped in the middle of the bridge where in all the cars has been in queue just to pass through. He stayed in that bridge for a couple of hours. He even tried to call his wife over the phone.

"H-Honey please come home." The shaking voice of her wife while exclaiming those words.

"Honey are you alright? I am on my way home now." Fugen responded trying to think what is wrong with the voice of his wife.

"P-Please make it q-quick!" Her wife with his full voice while shaking.

"Can you calm down? And explain to me what's happening with you?" Fugen was starting to get frustrated while looking in front where he can't even pass through since there are lots of cars queueing.