How It All Begin

Auroras are really pretty and in a way mysterious, you know? It just appears in the sky and wave at me. I just didn’t think it would be the thing to change my life forever.

The name is Hikaru Haruno and I’m sixteen years old. “I don’t wanna give up don’t wanna cry I wanna smile Movin Movin,” my alarm ringtone plays as I turned it off. Today was my first day of being a sophomore year at a new school. My family moves around every time we get the chance or something comes up. Somehow we ended up moving to Tokyo, Japan. I live with my sisters, mother, grandmother and stepfather. My older brother stayed in United States so he go to Victory University then go to Miami University. I go into my small closet and take out my uniform. It was a long sleeve blouse with blue bow around the collar, black skirt and flats. I then fix my long black and red steak hair and look in the mirror to see my bright red eyes.

“Hikaru, you’re going to be late,” my mom calls from the kitchen. “I know,” I ran downstairs to get some poptarts for breakfast. I grab my bag and put on my shoes as my mom kiss my forehead. She was dressed in a black business suit and black pumps with her black hair in a high ponytail. ”Have a great day at school, sweetie.” I smiled, ”And you have a great day at work mommy.” Behind my mom were my two little sisters, Jani and Juni. They were dressed for school, too. Jani was seven years old and Juni was two years old going on three. Jani and Juni looked like twins with both their hairs with multiple ponytails with pretty barrettes at the end. ”You two be good, ok?” “We will, big sister,” they said in unison.

I then ran towards school as they wave good-bye to me. Dark Moon High was the school I was going to. There were rumors that it was the worst school to go to because the students are bad but I’m not worried. My grandfather before he pass taught me martial arts and lately I practice and changed into my own fighting style.

As I reached the school, many students were talking to old school buddies or love ones. Then, when I finally made it passed the school gates a fight broke out beside me which caused me to run into the school. All the students stared at me with either awe or disgust. I sigh to myself as I found the front office to get my schedule. The lady at the front desk just hand me the schedule and kept doing what she was doing.

After I got my schedule, I heard group of girls giggling and screaming. I had to stand on my tip toes just to see that there were two boys walking side by side. They look like the hottest guys on the planet or at least that what I thought. Actually they were walking my way. I didn’t want to talk to them or try to on my first day so I turn on my heel to walk the opposite way. Then, my luck wanted to betray me. I tripped over someone’s foot but I was sure no one was right there. All my bag and things fell out and on the floor. All the students laughed except two.

“Hey, are you ok?” A soft deep voice asked me. I looked up and saw the two hottest boys who were looking at me with concern in their eyes. The one who asks me had short spikey blonde hair and deep green eyes that look like they could figure me out in an instant. The other boy, who had the same look in his eyes, had medium red hair and brown eyes. ”I-I am ok,” I stutter for the first time in my life, ”I’m sorry to have you help me.” ”Hey, don’t worry about it!” The boy with red hair said with a grin, showing off his canine like teeth. I talk to boys all the time because most of my friends are boys but not this time. My heart was beating so fast. ”You must be pathetic to do this. Why don’t you leave that pathetic girl alone?” A loud screechy voice said. And now my heart was telling me to kick some tail. It was a girl with long blonde hair and zig zag bangs in the front. She had two girls flowing behind her like she was a god or something. ”Let’s us just go to homeroom together, Ryunosuke-kun, Yoshiyuki-kun.” The two boys put my stuff in my bag and hand it to me as they chuckled. ”You again? You should quit with that Morrigan,” the blonde hair one said. Morrigan as I can tell sneered at me before she grin coyly at the boys. ”So you decide to play the damsel in distress, newbie tramp?” I got up with a smirk, ”Takes one to know one.”

“You are really pitiful.”

“No, I am not and you need to be careful. You don’t know me or what I do to those that piss me off,” I said this still with a calm smile.

Morrigan walk towards me and yank my hair and said, ”Says who?”

I immediately knee her in the stomach as she released her grip on my hair. She tumbles over and hold her stomach .”Morrigan!” The girls yelled in exclamation as they rush to her side.

Then, the bell ringed. ”I have to go to class now. Don’t bother me.” I said these words and walked off to my homeroom class which was right next to the office. I was surprised when no teachers or even principals showed up.

Now everyone thinks I’m dangerous after hurting that girl, I sigh to myself. ”Hey!”a voice called out but to who I don’t know. Then a hand touches my shoulder causing me to turn around. ”You forgot this and I didn’t catch your name.” It was Yoshiyuki! He hand me my cell phone with my phone case of my favorite anime character, Itachi Uchiha.”Thank you. I’m Hikaru.” ”Pretty name, I’m Yoshiyuki. So you watch anime?” I nodded shyly, “I watch it ever since I was a little.” ”Me too, Itachi is pretty cool.” He smiles as he said that. I smile back.

“You two lovebirds better get to class, “a teacher said as we both blushed. ”Let me get your phone number,” he asks me. ”Um, o-ok,” I agreed as he gave me his number and I gave him mine.

I walked into the homeroom, late, as the teacher was someone who is older than me by 8 years. ”You must be the transfer student. Come in, “he said, “Class, this is the new transfer student, Miss Hikaru Haruno. I am your teacher for math, you can call me Tsuzuki-sensei.” ”Hai. Nice to meet you, Tsuzuki-sensei. Nice to meet you, everyone,” I bows to them out of respect while some boys whistle. ”Calm down class. Haruno-chan your seat is next to Taka.” I sat next to a dude with two markings, one on each cheek. His hair was spikey and pointed in the air with a bandana. ”Nice to meet you, Taka-kun.” ”Hikaru is a cute name for you, chibi,” he said with a smile. I pouts, ”I am not a chibi. I am very big for my age.” ”Ok chibi.”

The rest of the day was quick as it was already lunchtime.”Hika-chan!”I heard a cry as I was tackled.”Zhi! You go to this school too?”Zhi is the only one who tackle me and call me Hika-chan never Hikaru.”I miss my Hika-chan and her Pikachus!” ”You never change, do you?” I laugh with her as we got up and head to the lunch line. We got our food which was riceballs and ramen. We headed to the rooftop instead of in the lunch because I told her what happen between Morrigan and me.

It just so happen that we ended up meeting Taka. ”Hey Kanate!”Zhi said to the boy as he sighs. So his first name is Kanate. ”It’s you two.” The way he said was like he was surprised. ”You know Hika-chan?” ”Yeah, the chibi and I have homeroom together. Why are you two up here anyways?” I told him the reason and his smirk returned. ”So the chibi ain't afraid to fight?” ”Stop calling me a chibi,”I pout again. Then I felt my phone vibrates.

Mom#1:I got the girls so you can explore the city if you want. You need a break.

I quickly text her back excitedly.

HikaruloverofAuroras: Thanks mama.:)

“I get to hang out after school, yes!” I cheered as Zhi jumped with me and we did our signature celebration dance. ”You girls need to be careful with that type of dance in those skirts,” he said smiling as he saw my panda panties and Zhi’s too. ”Pervert!” we both said at the same time before laughing.

After we ate lunch, I headed to my next class which was gym. We all had to change into our gym clothes though I felt awkward. Why you ask? The fact that Japan gym clothes are blue panties or boy shorts and white t-shirt.I was starting wondering why I kept getting looks. ”Alright, today we are going to do some quick drills. I want you guys to run to the court and back seven times,” the gym teacher, Mr.Kosuki said then blew the whistle. I immediately began to dash front and back as fast as I could. I was the first out of all the girls to finish. Most of the boys were done with the seven too so I ended up talking to them. “Hikaru-chan, when did you learn to run that fast?” Baron, a hyper active boy who plays basketball almost everyday, asks me. ”My grandfather made me run laps around the house so these drills are easy I guess.” ”Wow, sound like your grandfather a lot like my dad. He got mad at me for hanging over my lady’s house then he made me run laps around the house because he want to see if I was training for football but he was lying. I still remember how cold it was,”Kyo said with a sigh. He was a womanizer based on what Baron tells me and the way he tried flirting with me before the teacher gave him a look. He just went on to another girl. So far, I think there was more to the guy then what I see though.

It was finally my last class of the day and it was English. We had a sub so we didn’t do work. The messed up part was the sub said we couldn’t talk. It wasn’t too bad because Ryuunosuke and Yoshiyuki was in the class. We all ended up Iming each other in class.

Betterthanyou: Wassup my peoplez!

Firesinger: We all in the same class, just bored.

Betterthanyou: Alright, then why don’t you invite your woman to the convo?

Firesinger: She is not my woman.

Betterthanyou: You may never know. She is the first girl who didn’t immediately want to go out with you at the sight.

Firesinger:Dude you crazy

Betterthanyou: Duh mann

(HikaruloverofAuroras has been invited to the conversation)

HikaruloverofAuroras: hello?

Firesinger: Hey Hikaru-san J

HikaruloverofAuroras: Hi Yoshiyuki-san J

Betterthanyou: Hi Hikaru-chan!!XD

Ryuunosuke winked at me after I read the message. I chuckled a little.

HikaruloverofAuroras: Hey Ryuunosuke-san

Betterthanyou:How was your first day?

HikaruloverofAuroras:It went better than I expected besides the morning incident

Firesinger:That’s good.

Betterthanyou:Do you play video games?

HikaruloverofAuroras: Of course

Firesinger:Really?Name one game you play?

HikaruloverofAuroras: Dragonball Z

Betterthanyou:Galick Gun!


HikaruloverofAuroras: Burning Attack!

We all actually laughed out loud before the teacher slap the table with a ruler and shh us.

HikaruloverofAuroras: I so could beat you in Dragonball Z!

Betterthanyou: Nice try, but you couldn’t beat me if you tried.

Firesinger: What about we test it out by you coming with us to the arcade,Hikaru-chan?

I blushed because he look my way after texting that. He saw that and immediately smirk at me.

HikaruloverofAuroras: Um sure.

Betterthanyou: Alright!Hikaru-chan and Yoshi-kun on a date!

Firesinger: You are crazy Ryuunosuke


Then the bell ringed and everyone got up and head to the door. ”So let’s head to the arcade,” Ryuunosuke said as he hung his arms around me and Yoshiyuki. We couldn’t do nothing but laughed at his antics. Before we walked out, I stopped and saw Zhi.”Hey Zhi, want to come with me and the guys to the arcade?”Zhi smiled sadly, ”I have to go somewhere at the moment. It’s my job.” ”Okay. I’ll see you around, ”I waved as she ran off quickly. Ryunnosuke and Yoshiyuki chuckled, ”So you still coming right?” ”Yeah,” I smiled. We all walked out of the school and headed straight to the arcade. They showed a couple places to eat and shop before we made it to the arcade. We played for hours when we arrived.

“I had a lot of fun today,” Yoshiyuki said as Ryuunosuke nodded with a smile. ”I did too.” I smiled at the two, ”I had a lot of fun too.” He pets my head before saying, ”I see you guys at school tomorrow.” Then he walked out with a smirk. He was smirking because he made me blush again! Ryuunosuke chuckled and waved bye to me and followed right behind him. This day may not be so bad.

Spoke too soon…I worked my way to my street before someone picked me up by my collar and brought me face to face. He had spikey blonde hair and blue eyes. If he wasn’t holding like I pissed him off or something, I would had thought he was cute. ”So you must be the girl who knee my sister, Morrigan in the gut. ”It wasn’t a question either.”Teeheehee, yup that’s me,” I said with a smile not showing my fear. ”Haha, you’re in luck. Me and my boys do need a ragdoll to beat up today.” I notice he was wearing mob like clothing and he had a group behind him smiling devilishly. I cursed myself, ”Let me go man! I’m sorry about your sister but she picked on me. You have to understand.” ”I don’t have to understand nothing! Boys,” he said with a devilish grin. ”It can’t be helped.” I gritted my teeth as I did my next move. I raised my hand to slap him across the face before tossing him over my head. ”I really hate when I try to be nice and people always want to fight,” I said with a sigh. ”Get her!” They all grabbed me and hold my arms behind my head. I was only able to knock one dude out with my foot but they still had me in a hold. ’Please don’t let me get beat up’ I actually beg to myself.

Suddenly, I was out of the rough grips of the boys into the arms of someone else. I look up and my red eyes met with the stranger’s bright brown eyes. He had short black pineapple-shaped hair with white headband. His body felt so warm close to mine. It even felt safe. I then noticed he was staring right back at me. ”It’s you,” he smiled at me. ”Huh?” I gave him a questionable look. ”You look beautiful just like the auroras.”

“Hey! Short stuff, hand me the girl!” Morrigan’s brother yelled with a growl.

He still held me in his arms, bridal style if I failed to mention earlier, as he said, ”I think I was talking to this fair maiden first. ”My face was so red I thought I was going to passed out. ”Fair maiden, what is this guy talking about?!Hand me the broad!” ”No.” ”Get him!” He dodged all the guys and all while he was holding me.

“The hell!” The group who was going to beat me up was now watching in awe of something. The guy who saved me began to levitate and fly to the sky and in the sky was a colorful mesmerizing aurora. Then I forget to say he was still carrying me as we went higher and higher. ”You can come with me, my beautiful aurora. I’ll protect you.” ”I I can’t! I have to go! My family is still here! I can’t leave them,” I push from his embrace but he held it so tight it was like he was afraid to let me go. He then look into my eyes with such happiness but a hint of sadness but I look away. It wasn’t until I felt something touching my lips that I realized he was kissing me and still flying into the aurora. I didn’t know whether to be worried or just plain confused. Strange enough is that I like the kiss.

Before I could blink, we were in a world way different from Japan. How am I going to explain this to mom?