"Stop! My alarm clock hasn't wrong yet" Candice groans in reponse to Derek who is shaking her roughly, her glowing dark skin and shiny straight hair, though with swollen eyes due to her continuous crying she is a sight to behold especially in the early hours of the day "you set your alarm by 7:50, when classes starts by 8A.M, it's obvious you want to be late" Derek says, she sits up and hugs her brother as she begins to cry "Derek I'm scared, with mom and dad gone, things have changed, it's hard to get through a day except that day is a miraculous one, it is too much for me, it looks like yesterday how everything happened, how their..." "shhh it's okay" he coos, "look at the better path, you have me and aunty Milan trust me everything would be alright, so don't worry your pretty little head, okay?" Dereks sooths her, Candice nods as he straightens her rough hair then continues "it's time we go prepare for school, we are running late" Derek concludes.

Derek is a handsome light skinned boy, he is tall just a perfect descendant of the negroids. He feels he is Candice's protector, fighting for her especially when guys makes passes at her.

Derek walks together with Jesse, a tall white boy with lean muscles and hazel eyes, Jesse is Dereks best friend since grade six and Andrew a friend, a black boy, very tall with a weird hair style. Andrew looks over at Derek saying "you are coming back, getting better in baseball, I thought you lost all your skills" "can't hide out forever because of my parents were murdered" Derek says trying not to sound pathetic "so since you are getting better, how about a party this Thursday at the beach at least it will help you reblend" Jesse grins grabbing and shaking Derek's shoulder with lots of delight on his face, "this isn't about my recovery, you've missed our crazy times together" Derek smirks rolling his eyes "yeah partially true but also for you to get better" Jesse shrugs "so what's the time?" Derek asks "seven p.m." Andrew replies "okay got it but I wouldn't be staying for long" Derek says silence falls amongst them but Jesse breaks it "so how about you and Karen?" Jesse asks Derek, a slight irritation in his voice "why do I sense anger in your voice? nothing, just not talking, she cares, she really does but I don't need a relationship for now" Derek sighs "consider her feelings bro, cause I know she's genuine, at least let her know why" Jesse says, Derek nods "did I mention to you that I am with the shoes you were looking for?" Jesse smiles walking ahead ready to run, Derek looks at him with wide eyes "you're a dead meat" he begins to chase Jesse who ran chuckling, Andrew laughed as he watched them.

Derek is in his bedroom as he writes on his dairy "I'm here again, looking for answers I haven't found but I need them if I want my life straightened, I remember my parents bodies covered with ashes, I barely recognised them. it was clearly written on the news headlines 'couples murdered mysteriously in coast hotel', it's still a mystery how their bodies alone were burnt, not the room, not even their clothes was touched with the unknown source of fire.

it was a routine for them to go for picnics every Valentines day but this particular Valentine's day, they decided to go have two days fun alone in one of of the best five star hotels in Florida, I really felt my blood being cold, so I asked them not to leave but they never listened, a strong father and a sweet mother, what a blend that life stole from I and my sister practically two months ago, it would be exactly two months tomorrow, I always ask myself who will want to hurt people as loving and selfless as my parents? I haven't even been able to get along with karen, I, seventeen and Candice, fourteen, have been forced to think and act like adults, all thanks to Aunty Milan, who still makes us look like teenagers but soon she'll get married and have her own happy life. Candice was right, it's hard to get through a day except that day is a miraculous one, but there is this feeling that things would change but uncertain on what it will bring. Freedom or worse, more pain..."

"Derek!" Aunty Milan calls.

she is a beautiful black woman, average height, young and has curly hair.

Derek immediately hides his diary under the pillow and lays down pretending to be asleep, aunty Milan enters and calls his name, this time, louder "Derek!", he sits up quickly "yes aunt Milan" stretching his hand, "dinner is ready" she says, "I'd be there shortly" Derek lets out a smile, "aunty Milan... thank you" Derek says, she smiles and leaves.

At the dinning room "missed you throughout the day" Candice says with a smile, "I joined the basketball team today in school", "that's good, I am very happy for you, I thought you'll never play basketball again, even I myself joined my baseball team again, things are getting better" Derek smiles, a sad smile, "I'm very happy for you kids, sometimes it scares me to death that you guys would not be able to get your broken selves together, with my cousin and his wife gone, with a terrible parent like me, I never thought you guys would get better" aunty Milan wipes the tears before it falls, sniffing with a smile.

"you are not a terrible guardian aunty Milan, we love you just like we love our parents" Candice says holding her hands "to be honest you are the reason why we are still moving" Derek adds "just want you guys to know that I'd always love you" aunty Milan assures cleaning the tears on her face again "we know and we don't even need a reminder" Derek says holding her hands "Lukas asked me to marry him today" aunty Milan blushes "uhu... that's sweet, hope you said 'yes'? cause Lukas is such a nice guy" Candice asks "yes, I said 'yes' to him" aunty Milan smiles, "can't wait to see my nephews" Derek smirks

"trying to get under my skin? You missed baby, aunty Milan here would bring me cute little girls first before any of your boys!!!" Candice snaps "oh you teenagers are a piece of work if you ask me, you haven't even talked about the wedding" aunty Milan tries ending the argument "but he started it first, didn't you see the look on his face when he made that statement?" Candice says pointing at Derek "That's a lie. Aunty Milan you can bear me witness, I said this with clear intentions..." Derek says raising his hands in defence as Candice objects then argues "you're such a petty liar!" Aunty Milan laughs on.