

Updated in 2021-08-04 13:53:01


Aunty Milan sits beside Derek, he is getting better, there are 'get well soon' cards on the table, Candice walks in, "aunty Milan!" She calls, hugging her "how is he?", "he's doing great, the doctor said he'll be discharged a day after tomorrow" aunty Milan says almost whispering, "he hasn't woken up?" Karen asks as she places her hands on aunty Millans back "he did but said nothing" aunty Milan replies rubbing Karens hand and smiling, Karen turns to Candice "I'm sorry" "now ain't the right time for this" Candice says as she walks and kiss' Derek on his forehead, she looks at aunty Milan "I'll have to leave now got lots of assignments to do" she walks out shooting Karen a nasty glance, "she's just acting out" aunty Milan says to Karen, Karen nods as she asks "how about jesse?" "He came earlier with Andrew and some other friends, he said he'll come later in the day"Aunty milan responds.

Natasha was sitting on a round table with Josh, Chris and Mira, ''we have to go and see Derek'' Mira says with a stern voice, ''are you insane? How can you think of such?'' Natasha objects with a frown ''you know you kinda got us into this mess so this is no time to be bossy'' Chris complains ''wait, is that what you guys think about me?'' Natasha asks, her eyes widening as she bites her lower lip ''don't play the victim here, if you had not agreed to do that spell you know nothing about, we wouldn't be in this shit now, guys are we going or not?'' Mira says leaving the room alongside with Chris. Josh looks at Natasha saying ''I am sorry but they were both right'' he left leaving Natasha with anger burning in her.

Mira got a card for Derek, she places it beside Derek's bay, Karen seems a bit jealous though she knew it isn't the right time, Derek is having a nightmare again, he saw himself drowning, this time it felt worse, he wakes up almost aggressively, panting and looking around, aunt Milan calls for the doctor...

''He is fine, he is just under shock'' the doctor assures leaving aunty Milan nodding her head and rubbing her shoulders with her palms, ''he'll be fine'' karen assures with uncertainty, placing her hands on Aunt Milan's shoulder.

''Derek would be discharged today'' aunty Milan announces to Candice, her smile was incomparable, ''I knew Derek would win, he is strong, he promised to stay alive for us" her voice cracks as she fights back the tears with a hopeful smile, falling into aunt Milan arms, who hugs her and pats her hair.

''What did you get from the visit?'' Natasha asks Mira ''I didn't go there to get anything but he is sure going to turn, he had a nightmare when we arrived'' Mira says expressionlessly, ''we have to stop him, he is coming back today right?'' Natasha asks ''yes, he is but we are doing nothing'' Mira warns ''really don't need your help'' Natasha shrugs ''if you do anything stupid Natasha I will inform the guys'' Mira threatens, ''okay fine.'' Natasha says raising both hands.