
He wanted to help Kei to stand up but the latter, panicking at the sight of the titan of rock and earth heading straight for them to eat them, got up hastily, not forgetting the horrible tremors caused by the steps of their monumental enemy, and all this reopened his wound. Then, inevitably, blood flowed and some drops fell on the ground.

Miron, as if in slow motion, followed the fall of the blood and sensed that something horrible would happen.

And this time he was right. A few seconds after the blood flowed and touched the ground in such a strange brown color, a suffocating, deafening silence fell on them, as well as a kind of furious inner rattle.

A terrible, raging, magical voice rose and echoed all around them.

"Who? Who is the being who dared to stain my kingdom with his foreign and weak blood."

The evil voice amplified in turn as did the power of its possessor, crushing everything around with its massive aura.

"Damn him."