
Clarine who could not stand it anymore, closed her eyes. Her beautiful spring hair, which had so much life and magic in it, darkened and lost its light. Some tiny creatures could not bear the curse and died, while others took shelter from Miron. As for the countless little seeds and buds that had so proudly sprinkled the magical hair soaked with natural light, they dried and fell one by one to the ground.

“I'm sorry I forced you to carry this heavy burden...Indeed all the burdens…”

Kei, Kadul and his mother came to them, riding Miron's air giant that could lead them to its creator before slowly dissolving.

“Miron, we're here! exclaimed the young blond wizard, sensing an awful misfortune. And when he saw Miron holding Clarine in his arms, he could only shake his head and whisper.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... Clarine.”

Kadul knew at once who was responsible for the tragedy.
