But for Katar, born without all this, he still found the strength, the will to tolerate everything that happened to him, and even to surpass it to come out even stronger and more determined.
He was the true prodigy of the two friends.
However, the moment came when he flinched, it was once after Ignol for some reason outside the company was in a particularly dark mood, so after the services, when everyone was getting ready to go home, he ordered all his underlings, Vradiome and Katar included of course, to stay in the locker room, it was there that with a smooth face and a crazy look that he ordered Katar to undress Vradiome. As the youngest refused despite his trembling fear and shame, it was he who suffered the shame of being undressed in front of the others.
Ignol ordered the others to do so. And the others, most of them cowards, lickspittles and only bad seeds, accepted without protest.