Chapter 17

He knew though that what he had to say would potentially put him below Sanchez from a legal standpoint. Even so, he knew he could trust Sanchez if anyone. Besides Sanchez was in the FBI, separate from the police force. He was safe discussing what he had to discuss with Sanchez.

“I think I’m in a spot of trouble. Or maybe more than just a spot.”

Sanchez sat forward. He was all ears. “I’m here buddy. What’s troubling you?”

Zane hesitated then made his decision and plowed on. He told Sanchez how they had received a tip-off about a drug-running operation in Hurstville. They had run a very good operation and arrested everyone in the warehouse. He told Sanchez how he had been surprised to find a queenpin so close to the frontline and then how she had escaped.

He pulled out the file he had copied and handed it to Sanchez.