Chapter 19

She opened the door and peered out.

“Damn bitch. You want me to stand out here all night?” the man on the other side said irritated.

Hope opened the door to let him in. She closed the door behind him once he had entered. He looked around the room assessing the comfort it offered.

“What’s this place set us back per night?” he asked.

“Less than the other one,” Hope said bluntly, referring to the place she had vacated after Zane had found her there. “How’s Lisa?”

“She jus’ fine Hope. Jus’ fine.”

“Let me talk to her then,” Hope said.

“Well ain’t we just full of demands,” the man said sarcastically.

“Listen Aaron. I don’t know what you’re doing here. There’s no need for you to be here. Everything’s on track.”

“Really? We gettin’ more reports from others than from you. The word is, we hear is you cozyin’ up to the chief of po-leece,” he replied looking at her coldly.