Chapter 25

Amanda woke the next morning to the smell of breakfast. She looked around and grabbed Zane’s shirt from its hanger. She put it on and walked to the kitchen.

Zane was busy in the kitchen, frying eggs and bacon for them. He did not see nor hear her as she approached him. He jumped when she wrapped her arms around him from behind and hugged him.

“Whoa!” he said. “Careful! You frightened me. I could have burned you.”

“Would it matter? You shot me already last night,” she smiled.

He took the food off the stove and dished it up for them. He placed the food on the table and then he turned around and put his arms around her. He lifted her and put her on the kitchen


“You’re wearing my shirt?” he asked as he took in the sight of her.

“I am,” she smiled.

“That just drives me wild,” he said as he kissed her. He lifted the front of the shirt where her thighs disappeared beneath it. Seeing her naked pussy under his shirt he shook his head,