Chapter 33

Donovan was still young and had not shown any diminished respect for Zane since he had been arrested. Even so, Zane wasn’t sure if he could trust him. Even with corrupt cops, they would play good cop, bad cop in general daily interactions to determine who stood up for who.

“I have a lady here to see you,” Donovan said.

Zane frowned. He had no idea who it could be.

“If it’s that bitch from last night, I don’t want to see her,” Zane stated bluntly.

“I don’t know who you’re referring to Sir,” Donovan replied mildly.

Zane sighed. “Okay. Show them in.”

Donovan turned and motioned for someone to enter.

Zane was speechless. Amanda entered and thanked Donovan. Zane stood up not knowing what to say.

Amanda thanked Donovan and he left closing the door behind him.

She hesitated as she studied Zane. Her eyes searched him for answers and reasons why he would lie to her, betray her. She approached Zane slowly.