“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re trying to ask me to take you back,” Zane remarked drily.
“I’m glad you can still laugh about it,” Johnson said.
“Well, what else can I do?” Zane asked.
“I had a chat with Brian after you took me to see Jerry and he laid it on pretty thick. He told me that you were corrupt and being investigated. I decided it would be best to leave for a while as you said. I figured that if I stayed, I might just get caught in the crossfire.”
“You did the right thing,” Zane observed. “So do they know that you’re back?”
Johnson shook his head, “Technically, I’m still on leave. No one knows I’m back and if they do, I’m just on leave here so I don’t have to report back to the station yet.”
“Good man, but just in case someone spotted you there, I suggest you stay out here.”
“Thanks, Chief ... uh Zane,” Johnson smiled, “Sorry. I guess some habits are hard to break.”
“No worries,” Zane replied. “But tell me, why did you come back?”