Zane watched Amanda as she posed for the photographer. She was a natural as far as he was concerned. He never tired of watching her at work. How many men had the opportunity to spend as much time as he did with their wives every day?
He had to admit that he had been a little concerned at the thought of being Amanda’s bodyguard at first, not that he hadn’t wanted to but he had doubted it was necessary. A few nasty incidents with stalkers had however quickly brought home the reality of the dangers that models could face in their line of work even if they weren’t the world’s most famous models.
After Hurstville, he had resigned from his position as chief of police and relocated to New York to be with Amanda full time. They had married a few months later and Zane had started to build his security firm. He had a few small jobs for personal protection so far and on the whole, work was increasing slowly. When he didn’t have other work, he was with Amanda on her photoshoots.