Commander Grayson's perspective
If you're in a war and you're a good warrior trying to make a strategy, then you probably thought about sneaking into an enemy's base. I prayed for the other warriors to keep their heads up if something went wrong, I prayed to give justice to the souls that have been banished, and I prayed for the protection of my brother, guiding the young warriors, with the new Dragonslayer as their companion, in their journey. Including that weird hippie-with-style guy that my brother made friends with.
Well, if we're not splitting up, then I guess we'll civilly visit the general. I didn't know this could happen, I didn't even know that General Jabbernock was here. We haven't killed each other for years. It's crazy. And now, we'll meet again, preparing to strangle each other's necks. Since it's winter, we, unfortunately, needed more cover for our skin. MaXabiere didn't tell me how cold Northern Quarté was.