Which one is painful? Landing on your feet from a tall height? Landing flat on the ground? Or landing on your feet, bumping your chest, and rolling over hard cobblestones? I'm sure we were complete this time. Claes groaned in pain as his face was flat on the ground. Sean shrieked as his nuts landed on a branch before sliding down and whining like a baby. Lenard couldn't get up, because Victor was laying above him. Chloriette's hair went from straight to a curly mess. And I had no idea how my face was all covered in dirt.
I concentrated on lifting myself with my flying magic, but I couldn't. The ground kept on pulling me down and making my claymore felt heavier. Gravity sure does love pulling people. "I hate traveling through portals," Lenard mumbled, pushing himself up. I never saw Victor in a not-so-great shape before.
"You can say that again," he agreed.