Future wedding rings (1)

After a time with Diana, Key falls asleep after her, it was daytime the sun had already risen and the night is really gone now, he gets up and goes to the bathroom to bathe, when he leaves the bathroom he sits in the armchair to drying his hair and hearing someone knock on the door, he gets up and goes to the door unlocking and opening it.


" Hi?"

"What do you want here?"

“I heard about Keyle."

"Isn't it the ridiculous scene of your wife in Diana's room yesterday afternoon?"

"I came to apologize to you."

"Have you told her?"

" Not! I didn't tell, someone overheard our conversation and told her."

“I still have something to do, so in two hours I'll see you in my room."

" Okay, we're agreed then." - Jon leaves and Keyle closes the door, he notices Diana's movement, she seemed to be having a nightmare.

" Diana? Wake up Diana!" – She wakes up and hugs him.

"He, I saw him, ..." - she talk hugging him and crying.