When you went away

Jack goes to the window and opens the window a crack and pulls a small piece of the curtain, so the sun significantly illuminates the room that was pitch black before, He sits beside her on the bed, she settles down as comfortably as possible, and remove the blanket from the top of the belly that was very round and pretty.

" Like?"

" When you left I already knew about the pregnancies."

She realizes his initial shock, he hadn't been prepared for this, she takes his hand and puts it over where the baby was kicking, with that the baby started kicking harder making small bumps on Laura's stomach.

" But as I was not in good health... I needed care because of the anemia that the baby caused me, Keyle and Diana took me in and took care of me, they made Charles my private doctor, thanks to that the baby is well, i couldn't have any problems that would irritate me, and with the right care the baby is fine now, i'm almost eight months old, he or she could be born at any time."