True Vampire

It's been centuries since I have been on my conquest for power. I've seen empires rise and fall. kings' births and deaths. I have been in this world for a long time, I was born in the 1300s and met a lot of my kind. Well, subs of my kind or cheap versions that is.

I was born a vampire, I don't know how that happens because the vampires from this world can't procreate but I have an assumption that whoever reincarnated me in this world, gave me an advantage and I am grateful for it.


it could be the fact that my mother was a witch and she was turned when I was in her belly still. The curse might have spread to me and forged my body to be a true vampire, talk about luck.

My mother died upon my birth though. I still remember the smile she gave me before she died. My body grew rapidly enough that in 10 years I was already a young man that looked to be around in his early 20s, I stopped growing ever since.

I Am 6'9" ft. tall, with midnight black shoulder-length hair with red slit eyes. I am buffed but not buffed enough to be called a bodybuilder, instead, I have a more athletic build. I'm not gonna lie, I am a stud, a word I came to be given in the late 90s by young and mature women when I gave these women the orgasms of their lives...before passing out.

Yeah, I couldn't help it, have those women in my embrace in a frenzy ravishing themselves on my cock as I suck them dry without them realizing until the last second when they are about to give their last breath, I stop and heal them. I am not worried they will talk about me or even if they do there isn't anything on this world yet that can kill me. I regenerate from everything and anything, Limbs regrow even head and heart.

Needless to say, those women who have tasted this taboo of sex, come back for more and sometimes bring their friends to corrupt them into becoming my little sex toys. I did this a lot in a town called Mystic Falls since this is where I was born. which is why after traveling all around the world and gaining a reputation that makes supernatural creatures fear in the mention of my name, Alucard.

My powers are many. I have weather manipulation, keen senses that allow me to hear, see and smell 100-mile radios but I keep it really low. 1-mile radios because doing more is just pointless unless I have to and if by chance I need to go beyond those 100 miles I use creatures to see further, for example, crows, I can manipulate the animal's senses for my advantage, I have no weakness, I used to have a weakness against holy objects before but now I don't. Age has made me immune to them completely. my body is in a condition I like to call a Supernatural Body.

(A/U: look that up on superpower wiki)

I can use hypnosis to those weaker than me, I can stick to walls, manipulate dreams, I can shapeshift to a certain amount of animals, I have telepathy but only on those I create, I have only turned one person but I killed her due to her betraying and siding with the witches to take me down. It ended in me killing hundreds on that same night, witches fear me ever since then. The ancestors are afraid of me and have tried many ways to kill me but the only thing they gain is the death of their descendants. I can use magic but only elemental and necromancy which is how zombies are made. I can use hellfire and after being in contact with it, I have built an immunity to it, I am a master in fire magic, I have healing magic really weird since the vampire from this world use their blood to heal others, to me healing isn't magic but another one of my powers as a True Vampire.

(Imagine the healing powers of angels from Supernatural)

So yeah, I'm OP.

Currently, I am trapped in a prison world, I know this because I read the minds of some of the witches before being sent here.

I feel ashamed of myself.

The world that I find myself in is. The Vampire Diaries and I know jack shit about this world until later because I never watched this show, I only watched Legacies which was popular in my world at the time of my adolescence.

I died happily of old age with my boss's wife by the way. though he never found out till 8 years later by then Mrs. Johnson already had given birth to 4 of my kids. She was the pure definition of MILF and I was a young stud of 21 years old, she had 12 years ahead of me but we didn't let that get in our affair. Her husband found out about us after doing a DNA test on one of my kids, he was being picked on by his friends, apparently, the 4 kids she gave birth which were the only ones they had at the moment, by the way, did not look like him at all. They looked a little like their mother but he noticed all of them looked a lot more like his secretary.

So he did a test and found out the truth, he filed a divorce, but Kalisha was smart and had evidence of him cheating on her long before she cheated on him so she took the evidence to the court and we ended up with 60% of the company's assets and belongings. I was fired of course. I and Kalisha sold the 60% share of the company and earned millions, we left to a small town where we had more kids, We ended up with 11 kids until she couldn't have kids anymore but that never stopped the rough sex every day, and we lived happily ever after, so. yeah. I died of old age along with my Kalisha.

Anyways, here I am. In another world with smartphones right now, I'm stuck in 1994 prison world. Apparently, the witches couldn't make another world just for me, well, they couldn't afford to spend more time creating one since I had just woken up from my 100 years' sleep, so it was the best time for them to send me here. Even though it costed the lives of hundreds of witches, werewolves, and vampires because I did not go without a fight. That day it rained blood with how much death I had caused, well I am not to blame for this, They started it. I fought hard but in the end, the bennet witches helping the Gemini coven managed to trapped me here but just before I was plunged into this world I saw a silhouette of what the witches called, Quetsiyah. it seems she was the witch who created the first immortality spell and the owner of the other side. She helped them

I should be flattered, I guess.

The witches however made a mistake bringing me here. I turned my head and saw the drained body of Kai, the anchor of this prison world and since he can't die at least not by normal means, I could kill him if I activate true death on my hand and touch him but why do that? If I do that then I won't have my personal blood bag anymore. I have drunk his blood once a month for years enough that I have gained an ability, I call it, Siphon. Yeah, I copied his ability to siphon magical energy which in my book is really OP ability.

This is very interesting because that means I can gain other people's abilities but they would have to resurrect in order for me to drain them of their blood again and repeat this process until I gained an ability or drink many Kais, meaning drink many siphoners.

"Now th-" I was about to go an explore the world again when I felt a rift open in this space and felt 2 new heartbeats and their scent told me, a man and a woman, the latter's scent seems familiar in some ways.

"Interesting" 'who in their right mind would come here knowing I am here?'

I teleported away from my spot and appeared in the air floating, looking down I saw a young man of about 25-29 and a young black girl that I instantly recognized as a Bennet witch.

'Perfect! my ticket out of here' I thought but I sensed almost to no magic in her. 'What's wrong?'

I need to know why she has no energy, I could read her mind right now without her even knowing but I have a better and more fun way of doing it.
