???: Huh... try me.

Tomioka: You'll regret it.

He started his moves before me. But unusually, he did not say anything while doing his moves. Not even a single word. Not everyone can master this. He is one of the primordial martial artists. For all the glances, he hit me on my head with a stone. I guess I have to take action real quick.

Tomioka: Devil's Scythe!!!! Regrets!!!

???: Hm... What kind of move is this? You don't stand a chance against me.

Soon, I took the chance of action against his weak move. He dodges every swing from above and below. Maybe, I underestimated him in the first place. Suddenly...

???: It's time.

Tomioka: (Shock) Huh. Anti-life... You don't mean it...

???: Any last words?

Then, he makes me feel weak and unable to make another move.

???: Black force.... berserker...

Aiko: No!!!

Tomioka: Aiko!!!!!

He hit her. HE HIT HER!!!!!!!!

???: Oh... I killed her. My bad. (laugh)

Tomioka: You... sutorenja.

(His aura turns into berserk mode)

???: Aye? Are you mocking me? It's no use to do that now that she's dead...

Tomioka: No... Even though I can't save her...but I will save her in hell.

???: Pardon? (Felt weird) uh?

Tomioka: I think I overestimated you. But look at yourself, you look so weak, useless, conceitedly.

???: That was some "wise" words from a guy that failed to protect his sister. But unfortunately, your life ends here.

He gets closer to me, trying to kill me. But little did he know, he has fallen right into my trap.

Tomioka: I was just warming up.

???: Eh!!!!


???: DAMMIT!

Then he shot me with his stone.

Tomioka: Aiko!!!!!

???: She's way to-

Aiko: Save me? Pathetic.

And then, all of us were shocked by her resurrection.

Aiko: Your next line will be " Impossible, you should be dead by now!"

???: Impossible, you should be dead by now! HUH!!??

Aiko: Huh, never expected. ( release her ghost ) Ghost ripples, rise...

Using her ability. She released the ghost that looked like her but a monster-looking ghost. How did she do that? That's not normal at all. Is she okay?

Aiko's ghost: ( Punching ) WRYYY!!!

She punches him 20 times in one second. What a magnificent move she got.

???: (bleed) Impressive...move you got there...(cough bleed)

Tomioka: Aiko...

Finally, she stop and suddenly pass out. Is she okay? She just turns on all of a sudden and she fell again. And that aura...

???: She passes out again. She's just interfering with our fight.

Tomioka: No, she's distracting you.

???: WHAT!?

While she attacked him, I have a chance to extract his powers out. He got the rares powers I ever feel.

Tomioka: Now... this is the real f**k*** fight.

Then, I use my scythe to hit the ground to affect the core of the earth. After that, I ran straight to him for my next move.

Tomioka: Anti-life... Negative equality, Overdrive.

He releases the power looking orb that sucks every soul when it hit someone


Perfectly hit. Is a bingo. I went to see my girlfriend if she's alive or not.

Tomioka: Aiko? Are you okay?

Aiko: hmm? Am I doing it?

Tomioka: Hmm... yes, you are.

She's sleeping again to regain her energy. I felt proud of myself to teach her my move. But, how did she manage to spawn a ghost ripple?

Anita: Daddy... hsk... I'm scared...where's okasan? hsk...

Tomioka: HUH (shocked)

Wait... How does she also have it too? Are they special? That's impossible to have a ghost ripple. Only a person with abnormal core within. Sometimes, they give to someone they trust if they wanted to. Did she... No wonder... SHE'S STOLE MY POWER TO GAIN THEIR GHOST RIPPLES!!!!!!!!!! She is just f**k me that night. KUSOOO!!!!!!!!

Aiko: (smile quietly) hihihi.

( a few moments later)

???: Ugh...where am I?

Tomioka: In hell. (sinister laugh)

And he started to freak out. Both I and Aiko laugh so hard. She's also acting like sh*t too. We're bullying him for a minute, well of course not torturing him.

???: Please, spare my life, Azazel... I do anything for you.

Tomioka: Huh? Who's your master?

???: Azazel!!!

Nailed it!

Tomioka: GG, girl.

Aiko: Not fair. I was supposed to have that kind of aura.

Uhm, Yeah... you did while you're not realizing it. 

In days after, I trained Aiko and her daughter, Anita to control their ghost to make sure it didn't happen unnecessarily to them. I never thought it could be so difficult for them to use that basic move. Since then, she summons her ghost if there is trouble.

Unknown: Hey girl...lonely at the street? Why not you come with us. We're not bad guys to you.

Aiko: Not interested. ( summons her ghost )

Then everybody runs away. Even I feel her aura. Is so terrified. Either way, I still need more information from this man. His name is Kazuto Saito. He's born nearby Kyoto and his blood mix with western whatever. His age is quite close to mine. The problem is, he mentions to Azazel. Maybe, it's my chance to against that scumbag who start this bizarre war or command that man to seduce my girlfriend.

Soon I realize that her mark is getting much more visible. But so far I have seen, there's no problem from her.

Aiko: Oniisan. I brought some lovely supplies, darlin'.

Tomioka: Hey, stop calling me that.

Aiko: Why? Is it too cute to call you, darling? (giggles)

Tomioka: Stop it. I'm not getting used to it. By the way, how's our daughter?

Aiko: She's fine. Thanks to you, she's able to control her emotion and her ghost.

Tomioka: Well, is fine to say, that thing you "pet" is not a GHOST thing. Base on your emotion, it affects your "thing" and controls it. You may name it if you want.

Aiko: Really!? Hmm... let's see. 

I've been waiting for her response and still nothing. From that time when I was playing with my daughter, Kazuto gave her ghost name "Quinzel"

Aiko: HUH... I LIKE IT!

Kazuto: Really? Well, I'm good at naming something.

And I got so jealous about it.

Anita: Can you name mine, Kazuto-sama?

Kazuto: Sure. Uhm...

He started to make his gentleman type this time. Ugh... Why I haven't done such a thing. Argh!!!


Yui: Fuh... finally, I've done my task.

Soldier: Sir, got a call for you.

Yui: heh? (picks up the phone) Hello?

???: There's something I need you to know.

Yui: Pardon, may I know who is this?

???: You'll know me soon. Here's the thing...