Chapter 6

(Day 7)

(Phone ring)

Tomioka: Hello? (cough)

Yui: Gosh... are you okay there?

Tomioka: Yeah... Yea- (cough)

Yui: Really... you sounded like a dying person. What just happen to you?

Tomioka: I don't even too. After I handle with someone, my energy decreased rapidly, no matter how much I ate. Plus, I can't avoid my ambition, especially when it comes to showdowns. I crave more fights. I can't resist. How about you? Did you guys save Daisuke and... uhh?

Yui: Hiroto? Yeah... it's just...

Tomioka: It just what?

Yui: They seem okay overall.

My mind was jammed for hearing their conditions. Are they okay? I heard that they were caught and isolated somewhere near. And now she said they're okay!?

Tomioka: Well, good to hear then. How about you?

Yui: I'm fine as well. But you must be worried about yourself because you seem so tormented.

Tomioka: Yeah... I'm okay. there's nothing to worry 'bout me. It's just I'm very tired. That's all.

After our chit-chat thing, we ended our call and keep going on. Suddenly, I almost pass out. My sight is getting much blurry, my body is aching like my soul can't any longer stay in my body. Am I going to die just like that? Is this my final route?

Anita: Dad? Are you okay?

Tomioka: Uh... Yeah...haha, I'm fine. (smiles)

I saw Aiko worried about my condition. She wanted to help me but she couldn't dare to. Meanwhile, Kazuto seems to be fussing around. I guess he fusses at me as well. There's nothing to say about myself because I don't know what happens to me.

An Old lady, from our childhood days, come to us at once. I need to know her intention.


Don't worry, let me analyze her.


How the f**k you read my thoughts!?

On the part of, she comes closer to me by the time I go to sleep.

???: He needs some rest. He went on a long journey, isn't he? And so to you too. Come with me. I have a haven for you.



He's been tormented since a few days back after. I became more worried about him. I can heal not just wounds, but also feelings. His body turns pale, I barely saw his bones. I don't wanna see him suffering like this. So that night after we have dinner, I want to see my husband make sure that he's okay. Soon I arrived, I saw a lady in the room with him. I don't see an old lady in there. Just a young, red hair, beautiful hair lady treating him. I felt suspicious and jealous to see that female treated with good care. So, I decided to breach in.

(door slammed)

Aiko: What are you trying to do to my beloved husband you pervert woman.

???: I'm covering his wounds.

She spoke in a relaxing way. Maybe she tried to hide her fear from me. I tried to release my aura, but it seems like she knows it.

???: How's your mark at the back of your body? Is it seems visible?

Aiko: Huh? How do you-

???: Shhh... I also had one too.

And then she shows her mark as well. What's happened here!? It's getting weird now.

???: You might ask me how I get this mark. I was born with it. And they explained to me that I have a twin sister.

Aiko: So, how it looks like?

???: You...

Okay... It's getting intense here. How can she be my sister?

???: My name is Chunami, and I'm your spirit sister.

Aiko: Oh yeah? What's my favorite part?

???: P@nis

Aiko: (Embarrassment) O-okay... you are my sister...

Chunami: (sigh)

Aiko: Wait... how you-

Chunami: Your husband promised to release me from the dream world. It takes a lot of ability to pull me out. I felt thankful to him but I don't know how to repay it.

Heheheh... I had an idea.

(Day 8)


(Yawn) For god sake... where's everyone? Are they left me alone? If so, with their child too? Man, how long am I asleep. I better check my master first, if he is still in there. But, an old lady is standing next to the door.

Kazuto: Miss... What are you doing?

Lilith: Stop calling me that... call me Lilith.

Kazuto: Eh... so you're a demon lord. (yawn) Well, that's good. (Opens the door)

Lilith: Hey... DON'T!!!

Kazuto: Hmm... Gulp... W-what j-just happen here?

(Aiko and Chunami cuddling Tomioka)

(Lilith just change her real form.)

Kazuto: Lilith!!!! You...

Lilith: Shut up... Do you know how long I've didn't saw this in my life after my late husband?

Kazuto: YAKAMASHI!!!!! You...You're young!!!!

Lilith: I'm 367 years old, okay. What do you expect?

Damn... Aiko and someone else... my... hold up!

Kazuto: TOMIOKA!!!!!!!!!!! YOU TOOK HER FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomioka: (Shocks) Ahhh... Kazuto? What do you mean?

Then he looks at her both.

Tomioka: Aiko... Hmm? Chunami!!!!!!!


Tomioka: Why didn't you tell me that you were free from there.....

Chunami: Thanks to you... I would able to do...Uhm..."That"? (twitching)

And the quarrel keeps ongoing.


Tomioka: Anita... hey, sweetie... wake up.

Anita: Yes, dad?

Tomioka: C'mon, it's breakfast time. And then, we meet your aunt.

Anita: Really?!

Tomioka: Yes.

We have breakfast for a moment to continue our journey to find the Diablo so-called Abbadon. I'm glad Chunami was released and nothing happen to me. Plus, she repays me for having a comfortable moment with me, featuring, Aiko. Ugh... she's also a cultured woman too. But, I felt weird. I heard something.


Anita: Daddy!!!!!

Why do I feel some intimidating aura? It's much stronger than others I face. Could it be? This can't be it. Too early. I have to go outside to see if my thoughts are true.

Anita: Dad... don't go outside.

Tomioka: Don't worry. I'll be alright when I came back for you.

Well, not really. It feels stronger. I would die in the fight. I search for it and suddenly, a car hit me, making me unconscious.

Abbadon: Take them with me.

Lilith: My lord, how about the child?

Abbadon: ... execute her.

Lilith: Y-yes... m-master... (looks at Anita)

Aiko: ANITA!!!!!

Anita: OKASAAN!!!!!

Soon, Lilith executed Anita in front of her mother. Aiko cries loudly as her daughter's death is in front of her. Then, Abbadon executed Kazuto and Aiko.

Aiko: DARLING!!!!!!!!


Am I dead for real? I think everyone outside could be dead as well. Hmm, I guess that's our fate then. Never thought it would be a bad ending for us. It's been a long day saving my sister, yet she's not my sister at all. Instead, she's my wife in my second life. This fate sometimes never is fair for us. I think... I think... It's my fault. If I don't let her follow me with her daughter, It never happens like this. Now, it is not just me, but my friends, my wife, my daughter, that brat, Chunami, everyone... die.


Is not your fault. You did your best. Everything happens it's my plan. I gave you a chance to save your wife and your daughter. And you succeed. I'm proud of you. Would you like to stay here, with me?


I wish to. But, my life didn't settle yet. If I could stay with them once more...(cries)... I would have a nice quiet life... No chaos, no war, blood shredded.

God: What do you wish for?

Tomioka: Peace...

God: Your wish is granted.

What will it seem to be peace?

(Time reverse back before Aiko's death)

Aiko: DARLING!!!!!!!!

Before Abbadon executes her, I stop the time. I cut his right hand. He scream in pain and couldn't believe I'm alive.


Tomioka: You ruin my peace.

Abbadon had four hands, armed with weapons. He started his move with high speed. I was able to move before his hit. I go at his back and kick with spikey shells I have on me. He started to burst his flames but I manage to fall back. Then, I tie his legs with my cursed chain and pull him to the ground.

Tomioka: Bring back my family's life.

Abbadon: Not gonna happen. (sinister laugh) The only way to bring them back is to sacrifice yourself. I know you fear death.

Tomioka: I, Tomioka Itoh, died in the past as Takeru Suzuki, Don't fear death anymore.

Abbadon: Nonsense!!!!! Don't try to be tough on me. I'm sure you are afraid of it.

Tomioka: Try me then.

After that, I punish him with my spirits. He became much more fear of my spirits. Who's more afraid of death. Then, I punch him 1000 times using my spirit. Abbadon is helpless now.

Tomioka: Any last words, B**ch.?

Abbadon: What would you pick? Solace or Paroxysm?

No more further to do, I killed him Devil's scythe. Then, I answer it back.

Tomioka: Solace.

Aiko: (Hugs him) Darling... A-Anita... is dead.

Tomioka: I had no choice, but to sacrifice myself.

Aiko: NO!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!

Tomioka: Lilith... Do your job. Your last job.

Lilith: Yes, master. I'm sorry my lady. I'm just doing my job. No intention of killing your daughter. Can you accept my apologies?

Aiko: Y-yes... I accepted yours. But, don't sacrifice him. Please.

Lilith: I'm sorry, but that's the way to bring them back, including your daughter. His soul contains with souls of whom he loves the most.

Aiko: Do you love me, Anita, and others?

Tomioka: I love all of it, you, Yui, Daisuke, Hiroto, Anita, and everyone else.

Aiko: Kazuto?

Tomioka: You'll see.

Then, the ritual starts. Lilith reads some of her mantras and pulls out her knife. She circled me and she asks me after she did read her mantras.

Lilith: Any last words?

Tomioka: Solace.

After that, she finally cut my neck, letting me die slowly for seeing my wife for the last time. And so, I closed my eyes and that's my last breath.


After his sacrifice, I saw Anita is breathing. Then, Kazuto and Chunami. Everyone is alive again at once. I cried aloud because I finally get my daughter back, at the same time, my husband's death. We return to Tokyo to bring my husband's body. Everyone pays respect to him. Even Yui cries for him. Daisuke and Hiroto did that too.

Daisuke: He sacrifices himself to save us...(tears)

Hiroto: Yeah... who gonna take his place for us. (hsk)

Yui: Yakamashi!!!!!~~~ You both are so stupid!!! (Cries aloud) He hates it if you guys thought about it...

Yeah... everyone will miss him.


(time skip)

Chunami: Oneesan, Can I tell you something?

Aiko: sure.

I, Aiko Suzuki Itoh, a widow, white hair, red eyes, 20 years old and have a biological sister with my daughter as well, live a peaceful life after my husband's death.

Chunami: You're pregnant, right?

Aiko: Yes. Why? My pregnancy was delayed that's why. Why do you ask me that?

Chunami: Uhm...(twitching) I'm also delayed as well...

Hold on... Could it be...Huh... No wonder...