The trouble comes, Shawn "The Collector"

The citizens of the city who were able to fight gathered in front of the saloon. Those who had taken shelter in their homes blocked their doors and windows, hoping, their kids won't be endangered. Perros was still hidden in the barrel, watching.

The wind began to blow as the bandits were approaching. The citizens were getting more nervous by the second. The bandits finally arrived in town.

Their leader, who was the first to arrive, dismounted and headed towards Darren and the others. As soon as he stopped, his gang dismounted as well. From what Darren and everyone else could see, his gang was ready to pull out their guns and start shooting on cue. Even though Darren was scared, he walked towards him and started speaking.

"What do you want here?" said Darren with visible beads of sweat on his forehead.

"You know damn well what we want, a monthly tribute." Said the gang leader and smiled sacramentally.

"You know we struggle every month to get it, Shawn." Darren said, looking Shawn straight in the eyes.


He pulled out a gun and pointed it at Darren. Darren's heart skipped a beat and he began breathe rapidly. Everyone else behind Darren was terrified, despite the fact that they were men.

"Now, you are gonna make it quick and handle us the money." Shawn said with annoyed look on his face, rolled his gun around his finger and put it back in the hostler.

"Bring him the money Willie, quick!" Darren said in a nervous voice.

"See, when you want, you are as obedient as lambs, am I right boys?" Shawn laughed.

His gang started laughing.

"You said it boss." One of them said.

"They shouldn't mess with us." Said the other.

While they were laughing and planning what to do next, Willie came back with the money.

"So this is all the money for all the women, men and even children?" Shawn said hesitantly.

"Yes.... boss." Said Willie, handing him the bag of money with sweaty hands.

Shawn looked around and narrowed his eyes.

"I bet this isn't all the money for everybody." Shawn said.

Shawn turned to his gang, spread his arms to sides and said:

"Alright guys, search the place, make sure no stone is left unturned." Shawn said.

"I swear it's the money for all of us. 10 women, 12 men and 7 children." Darren said.

But deep down he knew Perros wasn't counted, because he lives alone.

They knew that if there was a shooting, they wouldn't win because Shawn's gang has at least 20 members.

"I don't buy that, and even if, tell me who lives in the house furthest from town." Shawn said.

"I'm sure he means Perros's house, damn it." Darren thought.

Since he didn't know exactly where Perros was, he feared he would be found.

"GO!" Shawn shouted at his men.

Everyone in front of the saloon froze. They couldn't move.

The gang members ran into every house. Searched every chest, every closet, but the last thing they didn't search was that one barrel next to the saloon. Where Perros was hiding.

"Hey boss, this barrel is the last one." Said one of his gang members.

"You don't have to tell me that, just search it already so we can get out of this hole." Said Shawn

"Yes boss." He replied.

He kicked the barrel over and bag of wheat fell out.

"Oh, lucky, we'll take it too." He said while his eyes shone like stars.

Nobody knew where Perros was hiding.