Long time no see, Perros' old friend

After Bruno told Perros and others the past of this town, Nazo decided that it was time to do something about it.

Nazo was about to leave, but Perros put his hand on his shoulder.

"I know you want him to pay, but... we haven't even looked around the capital yet." Perros said.

"You know I'm against it..." Nazo said grumpily.

"Oh, come on, don't be a wimp." Perros poked Nazo.

Perros looked at him with puppy dog eyes and was staring until Nazo changed his mind.

"Fine... but just for today, tomorrow we'll storm the inner area." Nazo said.

"Yes!" Perros clenched his fist triumphantly.

"Waiter? Do you have accommodations?" Nazo asked.

"Call me Bruno. And yes, we have upstairs few rooms that are free." Bruno said.

"Could we rent one?" Nazo asked.

"I think I can give it to you for free... but you have to promise me you'll take out that baldy." Bruno said.

"For real!? If so, think of it as a done deal, Bruno." Perros smiled.

"All right, guys, let's go into town!" Perros said happily.

Before they went into town, they left their belongings in the rented room.

"Why do you have so much extra clothing?" Bruno asked curiously.

"You could dress five more people with it." He added and laughed.

"It's a long story..." Perros giggled.

After they settled in, they went out of the saloon.

"Perros, you have different interests than us... let's split up." Nazo suggested.

"You're right." Perros said and headed into town.

"That's all?!" Nazo and Cyra were surprised.

After a while, they couldn't see Perros anymore. Nazo and Cyra looked at each other.

"I think... we should go too." Cyra said and together they also went into town.

Perros walked through the town, looking around and seeing shops he had never seen before. He stopped in front of one, there was a sign with a glass of wine on it.

"Huh, a glass shop... I might as well check that out." Perros said and entered.

When he entered, he could smell wine everywhere.

"What is this place?" Perros thought to himself.

"Welcome young man..." A man greeted him.

"What would you like to drink?" He asked.

"Um, do you have rum, maybe?" Perros asked hesitantly.

"Oh no, no, no, we only sell wine, the best wine you'll ever taste!" The man boasted.

"Okay... wine then..." Perros said uncertainly.

"Good choice, sir." The man complimented Perros.

"And what kind do you want, dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet or sweet?" The man asked.

"Ehm, the best you've got..." Perros said unsurely.

"As you wish, sir, please sit down." The man said and led Perros to a vacant table.

The tables were separated by wooden half walls, but even so, you could hear what the others were discussing.

Perros sat down and waited, listening to the next table in the meantime. He thought the voice he was hearing was familiar, but he couldn't remember who it belonged to.

"Here's your wine, sir." The man brought the wine to Perros.

"Oh, thank you." Perros replied and put down his hat.

Just as he removed his hat, another waiter delivering wine tripped and all the wine broke on the floor. Perros immediately put his hat back on and looked on the waiter that brought him the wine.

"What a poor guy..." Perros laughed nervously.

"I'm going to help him, if you need anything, just find me." The man said and went to help the waiter.

Perros took the glass of wine into his hand and looked at it.

"So this is wine, I wonder how it tastes..." Perros said and poured it into a glass, which the man also brought.

"Here goes nothing..." He said and took a sip.

"Bleh, how can anyone drink that!" Perros shouted, spitting the wine out of his mouth.

He heard a loud laugh from the table next to him.

"And that's how I got out of Harnsey..." The familiar voice laughed.

Perros stood up and looked over the half wall. He saw five people sitting around a table.

"Did you say, Harnsey?" Perros asked.

They stopped laughing and the man with the familiar voice took a sip.

"I did, and what about it, kid?" The man asked.

"I'm from Harnsey... my name is Perros." Perros said and looked at him.

"Perros? The little boy who wanted to be a famous cowboy?" The man asked.

"Let me ask you something... do you know who I am?" He added and the others giggled.

"Ehm, I don't know..." Perros scratched his head.

"Perros, it's me... Gerald!" Gerald said happily.

"Gerald?!" Perros said in surprise.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, Perros. Come and sit with us!" Gerald said, raising his glass.

Perros went to their table, but didn't sit down. He looked at Gerald and his gang.

"Good to see you again, but what are you doing here?" Perros asked.

"Well, I should ask you that, but you know, we just stopped for a drink. That's all. I didn't think I'd run into you here." Gerald smiled.

"I'm helping my friend to escort his sister home and I'm still looking for new gang members..." Perros explained.

"And we ended up here because we need to cross the sea..." He added.

"Where is your friend from?" Gerald asked and took a sip.

"Mori village. That's in Minami territory..." Perros said.

"I know where that is. That's pretty far away..." Gerald thought.

"Have you improved since we last met?" Gerald smiled.

"Of course I have." Perros lauged.

"Otherwise I wouldn't be here." He added.

"Would you like some wine?" Gerald asked.

"No, it's disgusting." Perros grinned.

Some other person shouted at Perros and came out from the next table.

"What did you say~?" A woman shouted at Perros.

"Excuse me, Gerald, I've got to run an errand." Perros turned to the woman.

"What do you want?" Perros asked the woman.

"Who? Me?" The woman asked in confusion.

"OF COURSE YOU." Perros shouted at her.

"Oh, my name is Raven..." Raven said.

"And what do you want again?" She asked in confusion, again.

Perros easily noticed that Raven was drunk. But he still wanted to find out what she wanted from him.

"Sigh, you wanted to know what I said. So I said the wine is disgusting!" Perros said once more.

"How dare you say the wine is disgusting! It's the best wine I've ever had..." Raven was furious.

"Okay, so what. I said it and I meant it." Perros looked into her eyes.

"Enough! Let's have a duel outside!" Raven drunkenly suggested.

"I'm not going to have a duel with you. You can hardly keep your feet, drunk as you are!" Perros said.

"Oh, are you afraid a girl will beat you?" Raven asked mockingly.

"Alright, let's go outside." Perros said seriously.

"Perros, don't hurt her..." Gerald said.

"Don't worry." Perros winked and smiled.

"Could you please be our judge?" He asked.

"Of course." Gerald said.

Everyone who was interested in their duel gathered outside the shop.

Perros and Raven took twenty steps from their starting point, each to a different direction.

"Okay, get ready... TURN AROUND!" Gerald shouted.

Perros was quicker, but they both fired. They were both still standing after the shots, but the one who fell was Raven.

"Is she dead?" The townspeople thought.

"Don't worry, I fired a bullet that wasn't sharp. She's just unconscious." Perros explained.

"And how come she didn't hit you?" The townspeople asked.

Perros turned around.

"Nobody said how many bullets you can fire, look at the ground..." He said and walked away.

The people looked at the ground and as Perros said, there were two bullets that collided.

"When did he fire the first shot?" The townspeople had many questions.

The only one who didn't ask any questions was Gerald and his gang.

"So you really got stronger..." Gerald said proudly and lit a cigar.

Everyone was shocked, even the shop owner was so stunned that he forgot that Perros hadn't paid. But when he remembered, Perros was already gone.

After a while, Raven woke up.

"What was his name?" Raven asked Gerald, who was still standing outside.

"Perros, the man who will become Bandazai..." He smiled.

"Ah, Perros. We'll meet again..." Raven said and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Nazo and Cyra went down the street in the opposite direction. They walked through the town and looked around the shops.

"I hope he doesn't do something stupid..." Nazo was worried.

"Do you really care about him?" Cyra asked.

"Well, he's been helping me for a while now. But depending on how it turns out here, he will gain my complete trust... " Nazo said.

"I believe in him... I'm telling you, he's the man who will change the world." He added.

"So you do care about him..." Cyra giggled.

Nazo looked at her and slightly smiled.

"We should go back, the sun is setting." Nazo suggested.

"Sure, why not. I'm a little tired anyway." Cyra said and together they returned to the saloon.

When they returned, Perros was still not in the saloon.

"Oh, you're back." Bruno greeted them.

"Have you seen Perros?" Nazo asked.

"No, he hasn't come back yet." Bruno replied.

Just as he finished, Perros appeared in the swinging doorway.

"What are you talking about?" Perros asked.

"Where have you been?" Nazo asked.

"I ran into an old friend of mine." Perros smiled.

"I have prepared your room." Bruno said.

"Thank you, Bruno." They said.

"Let's go get some sleep. We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow." Nazo said and together went upstairs.