Prison break - New bounty

Perros woke up in prison cell, he walked sleepily to the cell bars and shouted at the guard.

"You can't do this to me I... I have wife and kids!" He screamed.

"No, you don't, we checked..." The guard smiled mischievously.

"Well... at least I tried..." Perros sat back on the floor and started playing a mouth organ.

"Where did you get that? Well, whatever, play as long as you can... I'm going to have a lunch." Guard closed his newspaper and left.

After a few hours, a person in a slightly used outfit came into the room where Perros was being held.

"Well... well... well... A million-minies man himself. I'm quietly pleased to see your ass locked up." He said and sat down on a chair.

"I mean, not for long..." The man added with a smirk.

Perros stopped playing the mouth organ and looked at the person with the shotgun strapped to his back.

"Bill Bun, pleasure to finally meet you." Perros said.

"It's DUNN, you idiot, but whatever... You will be executed tomorrow at noon..." Bill said in all seriousness.

"And THIS time... no one will save you." He added with a slight smile.

"Well, I hope you can get me some proper clothing and decent meal before that..." Perros stood up.

"So that everyone~ can see that you got me in my best shape." He added, approaching the bars of the cell.

Bill came to the front of Perros' cell.

"Be glad I'm in a good mood today..." Bill threw a shirt and pants into his cell.

Perros looked at the clothes and then back at Bill.

"And a snack wouldn't hurt either..." Perros knelt down to get the clothes.

Bill threw piece of bread in Perros' cell and he caught it with his mouth.

"Not the best bread, but at least something." Perros chuckled with his mouth full.

Bill rolled his eyes, sat down and swung his feet up on the table.

"You still there?" Perros asked after a while.

"Yeah..." Bill said boredly from around the corner.

"Mind telling me why the hell am I worth a milion?" Perros asked.

"Because last time I checked it was a quarter of that..." He added.

--- Five days ago ---

"Amaan... I got him." Anna said into her phone.

"I appreciate your work." Amaan replied.

"Mr. Dunn is already on his way to you." He added.

"What about my reward?" Anna asked.

"Don't worry, miss, I don't go down on my words..." Amaan said and hung up.

Anna groaned in annoyance and put her phone in her pocket. She looked at Perros, who was lying unconscious on the ground.

"You're a good guy... It's a shame it had to end this way." Anna sighed.

"But believe me, you would do the same for that kind of money." She added, sitting down next to him.

After a few hours, Bill arrived at the tournament site.

"Is that him?" Bill nodded toward Perros.

Anna, who was still sitting next to him, looked at Perros.

"Yes, that is him." Anna confirmed.

Bill stepped closer and pulled out a paper and pen.

"So he won the tournament... Any bounties we could assign to him?" Bill asked as he took notes.

"Yeah, his twin killed Ben, the giant, but he also killed himself in the process. So that's two claimable bounties for our fallen bird here." Anna explained to him.

"I guess that should be enough..." Bill was about to put away his note.

"You know... We could still frame him for a murder of the last Bandazai..." Anna added.

"What?" Bill asked in confusion.

"See that hat... That belonged to the last Bandazai, so why on earth would THIS guy have it..." Anna tried to explain.

"How can you say that for sure?" Bill asked again.

"I can't, but... I guess you'll just have to trust me." Anna said with confidence in her voice.

--- Present ---

The room fell in total silence. Perros stared at Bill, it was a stare with intention to kill.

"No water? I'm dying of thirst..." Perros said in an angry tone.

"You're in no position to ask for anything..." Bill said.

"What did you say?" Bill walked over to Perros' cell.

Perros raised his voice a little and repeated what he had said earlier, but Bill still couldn't hear him.

"Repeat what you said, you little BITCH!" Bill raised his voice.

"I'm going to kill you..." Perros furiously said.

"As if you could! Look at you... You can't do shit now!" Bill was getting angry.

"Tomorrow is your LAST day... I'll make sure of that!" He turned away from Perros' cell and strode towards the main door.

Just as Bill placed his hand on the door knob of the jail cell room, the entire building shook at its foundation.

"What was that?" Bill said out loud.

He looked at Perros and tried not to imagine the worst case scenario - Perros running away. Unfortunately for Bill, that scenario was about to come true.

The wall of the cell next to Perros' began to crumble.

"No, no, no!" Bill knew what was happening.

"Exactly!" Perros shouted.

"Talk about having a bad luck... WRONG CELL YOU IDIOTS" He slowly raised his voice.

The cell stopped collapsing.

Now the wall behind Perros began to crumble.

"I really thought they wouldn't make it in time." Perros smiled.

"Code RED!" Bill shouted down the hall.

The wall of Perros' cell was ripped out of the building. A huge cloud of dust emerged from the destroyed wall. A small smile appeared on Perros' face.

"Next time I see you..." Perros said.

"You're a dead man, Bun." He added ominously.

"As I said... IT'S A DUNN!" Bill exclaimed as he was on his way down the hallway.

Something flew through the dust cloud, a rope. And it wrapped around Perros.

"A rope, really?" Perros said, and in an instant he had the rope fastened around his hips.

Perros sighed and was quickly pulled back into the cloud of dust, screaming like a little girl.

"What happened?" Asked the guard who had been watching Perros before Bill.

Bill looked at him and punched him with his fist so hard he fell to the ground.

"You idiot!" Bill shouted.

"Go inform the others. And go after him!" He added.

"All right, sir!" The guard saluted.

"NOW!" Bill shouted angrily.

Outside, Perros was already on his way out of the place.

"Thanks, guys. Good to see you again." Perros sat with his back turned to the others, untying the rope.

Perros finally turned to the people that saved him.

"Ehm... Who the hell are you?" Perros said in confusion.

"You don't remember me?" Male one said.

"Should I?" Perros replied.

"Duh... It's me Fabricio!" Fabricio revealed himself under the mask.

"And you forgot to pick me up, you idiot..." He added.

"Sorry..." Perros laughed nervously.

"Do you know where the rest of my group is?" He added in a serious tone.

"I sent them a message..." Fabricio said.

"Your phone can do that? I didn't know they were so advanced here..." Perros looked surprised.

Fabricio looked at Perros with a confused look.

"Pigeon..." Fabricio slowly said.

"A postal pigeon." He added.

"A pigeon, right~..." Perros said perceptively.

"So, they are supposed to meet us somewhere?" He asked.

"Yeah, in Old York..." Fabricio pointed in a distance.