Beta Tester

{Author's Note: Enjoy today's chapter and due to the donation of power stones another chapter will be released today as well! Today's goal is to leave a review if you want the third chapter for today so let the readers know what you think! I'll accept power stones as well! I love me some stones!}

'I can't believe my luck '... I almost cried, for once in my life I've gotten what I've wanted! Fortune smiled upon this broken soul and I am now one of the lucky 100 "Beta Testers" that are allowed to go to Altissia, the "Origin City" tomorrow morning!

Why is this once depressed soul excited you might ask? Simple, we are allowed to stream/film, in fact, it is encouraged in the document released by Mr. Oscars. I have decided to become a streamer since this is a sure-fire way to make my fortune of Blue Coins and all I have to do now is enter Altissia and then I can start streaming. I can finally stop being a bottom rung slave and pave my way to the top!

I have already set up an account with a streaming site (they usually have tech and DIY videos as well as educational videos and the like ) however, my account has the "Certified Traveler" tag that has been created for those who have access to the beta. It may extend to all those who enter in the future since based on all of the theories presented by people who read way too much into those documents, this is not a simple "opening of a new BSU". It seems to be a prelude to something very grand and unique, at least, that's what the officials of the streaming site are propagating but I think they just see this as another way to make a pot of gold.

' Even though there are 100 Travelers allowed in, many of them may not even go and those who do may not choose to stream so this is an opportunity to turn my life around that I simply cannot miss. So, it's time to get everything settled on my end before I journey to the new world tomorrow...'

I tried my best to sleep but I was truly nervous so I ended up not getting even the slightest bit of rest. I hopped out of bed and simply drank a coffee in the nearby coffee shop and waited for the count down to end. While doing so, I double-checked my appearance to ensure that it met the requirements listed in the documents. It is back to being the traditional 1.7-meter height with an average build and straight short black hair with slightly tan skin.

The reasoning behind why we must go as we originally were on Blue Star is due to this statement made in the documents: "Personal characteristics such as temperament and IQ are key {AN: in some IPs} in determining where you will be placed ". No one knows exactly what this means but it is clearly stated in the stack of documents provided so to be a beta tester, one must abide by the rules.

{AN: This may seem weird to some but it's not meant to be an important point, I simply added this because we wouldn't want someone with an average IQ to become Light from "Death Note" now would we? The whole appeal of that IP is the intellectual back and forth. I'm not saying that this scenario will or will not happen, I simply added this sentence or two as the foundation to justify any decision like that in the future. I hope you guys understand! Back to the story!}

10...9...4...3...2...1... as the countdown ended the grayed-out "O" icon in the list of available VR destinations has gained color however, there is still a small golden lock that is at the bottom right of the icon but that doesn't seem to have any effect on me since after tapping the icon I began to "pixelate" and fall apart, pieces of me drifting with the wind as I crumbled.

As my vision was about to go completely dark I seem to have feeling in my body again; as I open my eyes wide to look around and see. What appeared is a breathtaking city with architecture and detail, the likes of which I'd never seen before: Angel men and women were wearing golden shiny armor standing at attention around the square I am currently standing in. They seem to be simple sentries, guarding against any wrongdoing or violation.

' These must be the Seraphs mentioned in the document '... peacekeepers of this beautiful city... well, I can't blame Mr. Oscars, this Origin City named Altissia is worth protecting and these Seraphs add an even more beautiful ascetic to this place.

I see person after person entering until about 50 or so people appeared and then the appearance of the Beta Testers ended. They looked around like I did before seeming to daze off into space as if staring at the void...

{Author's Note: Drop some stones and/or a positive review for an additional chapter or two today!}