Recent Graduate's Mission

{Author's Note: Drop them stones people and I'll get an additional chapter out for you today :) }

"Ty Lin, your performance in the Royal Fire Academy for Girls was not as good as the other six of your twins and thus the academy is sending you on a remedial expedition that will serve to further validate your qualifications to graduate. You mustn't fail, do you understand?"

"Yes Headmistress, I will not fail"... answered the petite agile-looking well defined young lady with long braided brown hair and matching big brown eyes.

She was down on one knee showing deep respect for the elderly woman in front of her. Ty Lin was adorned in a sleek black uniform with red trimming, the uniqueness of this uniform, compared to the other student's clothes is that from the chest-level to the lower waist is bare skin.

This two-piece uniform was unique to her and her six sisters there is no space for hidden weapons nor is it "flame-retardant" like the material the firebenders wear. It's flexible, breathable, and most importantly of all to the Ty sisters, it's cute!

"Good. Your mission is to first travel to Shu city in the east of the Fire Nation and from there, board an inconspicuous merchant Fire Nation vessel and travel through a few checkpoints before disguising yourself as an Earth Kingdom citizen. Next, travel to this list of Earth Kingdom towns and contact our informants. Bring the notable information back here to complete your graduation. Your journey should come to an end in Gaoling City with a sleazy, greedy traitor to their kingdom named Xin Fu. "

"I understand Head Mistress. If I may, these informants, are there any fire nation soldiers implanted as spies, or are they all traitors like Xin Fu?"...

"They're all citizens of the earth kingdom who are much too greedy to care about loyalty or the war. I would never give you information related to implanted spies less I risk exposing them due to a newbie's careless mistake."

"I understand, thank you for indulging my question. If nothing else, I will take my leave to complete the mission."

After leaving the room, Ty Lin moved to her quarters and packed up her belongings. Before leaving she took one more glance around the room for the sake of reminiscence and in the simple dormitory, hung on the far wall, one could see a chart of the human body covered with dots and lines outlining "Chi Points". Key information for Chi-Blockers like Ty Lin and her sisters.

Using extreme speed, agility, and precision, Chi blockers can combat benders head-on by blocking Chi Points removing their ability to channel Chi or move limbs. Essentially, Chi blockers can embolize unprepared or unskilled benders if given the chance, rendering them and their bending, useless.

Ty Lin shut the door to her room and left the academy heading East towards Shu city...


After reliving these memories and more, Chastain Grey, daughter of the CEO of BSN (Blue Star-News organization, the largest news provider on Blue Star and within the VR BSU), breathed a sigh of amazement. "Raven Oscars, what kind of man are you? This is simply too much to take in at once..."

Recovering from her amazement she looked forward; gaze covering the sea, the boat swayed back and forth as she began to consider her next course of action.....' completing the mission assigned by this Headmistress seems to be the best option for me, that old lady could have someone following me for protection since I am now one of the seven daughters of a high-ranking Fire Nation noble....'

' Although I have a hunch that I'm on the wrong side of this war, the previous owner of this body didn't study much and never really learned how the war started..... I'll have to do some reading and if what I suspect to be true turns out to be the case, I'll have to find a way to get out of my situation....'

'But first things first '...I move to the cabin of the ship where I change into normal citizens' clothes, my first of probably numerous apparel changes over the next few days.