Well hello there, Ms.....?

The avatar's group quickly found a seat high in the stands and waited for the event to start. After sulking for a moment, Katara spoke "I can't believe we're actually doing this...who would want to watch that muscle-brained oaf of a man on those posters in a fight?" Just then, ear-piercing screams sounded and she recognized that voice easily...her older brother.

"OH YEAH!!! BRING OUT THE BOULDER!!! THE BOULDER'S GETTING HUNGRY WOOOO!!!..." with slight foam at the corners of his mouth, Sokka kept cheering until he was halted by a bout of muffled giggles coming from behind him...

When he turned to look he saw a beautiful brown-haired, tan-skinned girl wearing a two-piece "earth kingdom native" outfit staring at him with intrigue. Being the opportunistic man that he was he disappeared like a ghost reappearing in the girl's row smoothly sliding down the seat until he arrived directly to her left.

Giving his most charming (rapey) half-smile possible he spoke in a husky voice "Well hello there Ms....?"

"Ty Lin" the beautiful girl responded still giggling at his movements.....

"Ahhh was there ever a more beautiful name? It suits a lady like yourself well".....He accentuated his flirt with both eyebrows jumping up and down causing her to giggle louder...

"Thanks for the compliment Sokka, that is your name, right? I heard it outside..."

The bright smile and kind response surprised him as he's never gotten this reaction from a woman before, especially not one as beautiful as this. 'She's even prettier than Suki and Yue'.....He quickly shook those negative thoughts out of his head, he knows it's not good to think about different women while talking with one it might throw him off his game...

' Pfft, if that's even possible ' he thought, smiling before replying.....

"Yes it's Sokka, I'm flattered to be remembered by you Lin, can I call you Lin? "


After a few rounds of flirting with what Ty Lin thought was a kind and adorable man, she became interested in what kind of people he traveled with. Chastain Grey was a woman of "high class" on Blue Star and never before had she been around such a free-spirited and funny guy most of all, she could tell that he was genuine.

Finally, Sokka brought Ty Lin and introduced her to the rest of his group. She saw vigilance in the girl's eyes and once she found out that it was Sokka's sister she understood the protective look, it was the same one her father had for her when rich young men came to court her.

But the young man to the sister's side (with the weird hat) was kind and peaceful, the type of guy without inner demons possessing a sage or monk quality. He didn't say his name right away since there seemed to be a lemur-like creature bugging him for food.

However, despite how kind and non-malicious they were, the intuition Ty Lin honed at the academy was tingling. 'They're keeping a secret...I bet it has something to do with why they're here tonight, they don't seem like the type of people who frequent such places...'

' Well, except the cutie....' she finished her inner thoughts as she glanced at Sokka who was using his boomerang as a mirror to check for nose hairs and after noticing her attention he simply waved like a creep...
