Dying hurts like a B!T[H...............

I act quickly, I thru the table between us into the air before stepping forward to brace myself as I punch the ground hard causing a rock spike to eject a few feet in front of me stabbing towards the upturned table in the air, I aimed it at where the girl should have been.

To my dismay, she seemed to have disappeared from my office but I didn't let my guard down 'This girl must have some skill if she's confident enough to turn traitor...'

Making my way slowly outside the office and through the tunnels, I never once let down my guard, always in a ready stance. As I approached the Earth Rumble Arena I felt a sense of crisis so I dove forward and after one rotation on the ground I used my left hand to lift me off the ground, still horizontal to it as my right hand comes down fingers first and like scooping ice-cream, I shaved off a rock ball from the top and flung it towards the direction of the entrance.

The girl, to my disbelief, didn't look scared as she simply finished her in-process cartwheel by propelling herself towards the ceiling and she passed through the maybe 0.3-meter clearance between the rock I threw and the ceiling of the tunnel. Landing like an agile cat and not waiting for me to attack again, she rushed me and made a few quick jabs at my arms and shoulders. I felt a numbing pain I began to panic...


I watched as Xin Fu was panicking, he continued to do martial forms sending punches toward me but nothing happened. He continued to back away helplessly as I continued to harass him with jabs and elbows.

I saw tears begin to form in the corner of his eyes as I heard him mumbling...

"No, no NO!!! What is happening, why can't I earthbend?..... HOLY MOTHER OF CHRIST, WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?!"

As I hit him with the last jab to his neck, which knocks him out I hear those final words and surprise-filled my eyes. This world defiatntly doesn't have a Christ in it...

As realization poured over me I forgot the thoughts of running away from Gaoling and quickly tied up this 'Xin Fu' and took him back into his office, tying him to the chair while waiting for him to wake up...