Helping the Avatar 3

In the dark of the night, the waves were rushing up against a moderately sized metal ship bearing the fire nation emblem. It was an average night where the navy fleet was monitoring the fire nation's seas as they typically do...

However, as midnight approached an almost imperceptible shadow passed over the vessel, and from the sky, a delicate and agile silhouette fell diving cleanly into the black sea in front of where the ship will pass...


'By the spirits, why did I ever agree to join the navy...I should have joined the earth kingdom assault group...if only that damn Zhao hadn't reported me, the jealous B@$tard... '

Lamenting his past decisions while taking a night stroll was a firebender and ship commander who was currently patrolling as the only supervisor awake...

This man was a fire-bending prodigy and if not for his bad behavior and temperamental personality (and a snitching snake), he would be serving in a much higher position than commander...

He wore the standard fire bender equipment topped with a spiked helmet and white skull-like face plate. He came out of the cabin area and walked onto the deck of the ship..... waves crashing could be heard in all directions but just then, a distinct sound priced through the white noise, a *thump* sounded behind him...

Knowing what it sounds like, due to his long time at sea, for someone to 'land' harshly on the ship deck and feeling his neck hairs standing up, his instincts took over as he quickly squatted down and dragged his leg in a circular motion all around him while channeling large amounts of Chi.

The result was a large ring of fire spreading out with him at the center and a *scream*, only then did he look at his would-be assailant...


'S#it $hit shi+!...I was too confident, I should've waited for the rest of the team to approach the last guy who is obviously the ship commander...'

Ty Lin quickly patted the lingering flames on her clothes and caressed the scorched skin on her fists....that area took a direct hit from the flames since she was trying to attack the Chi points on his legs before the swift counter-attack came...

She knew she couldn't back down now, so without a discussion, she started running towards the bender who wasted no time in attacking either...jets of flames flew forward only barely being dodged by the agile girl but beads of sweat could be seen on her forehead due to stress and the temperature of the flames...

He was clearly familiar with 'Chi Blocking' as whenever she got close to the man, he would cup his hands in front of his mouth and breath out while swinging his arms wide resulting in a semi-circle barrier of fire being formed quickly, pushing her back again...


The fight continued in this way with me receiving many small burns before finally, from the observation deck high above, a shiny light glittered before a *swoosh* could be heard and a blue boomerang smashed onto the head of the commander who was completely focused on me...

He wabbled and then finally fell at which time I ran over and sealed his Chi points thoroughly...

'Mission Success'...

I don't know if it was the danger of the moment, adrenalin like I've never felt before, or the happiness knowing I didn't have to leave this world yet....but when Sokka approached to check on my injuries I jumped into him, and kissed him passionately to which he gave slight pause and then matched with gusto...

.......(Glimpse Into the Future (Not a Real Time Skip)........

Sitting in a modern house within Republic City atop a rocking chair, reading the last letter written by her loving husband, was an elderly-looking woman who appeared much older than she was.

She had tears running down her face as her life replayed in her mind....setting out on her first mission from the academy, her first night with Sokka, helping Aang, becoming friends with her sister-in-law Katara, the founding of Republic City after the war, bearing and raising her first and only child...she remembered it all and relived it while being warmed by the nearby fire...

'I miss you Sokka and I've grieved for so long but...I'm tired. I'm tired of this life and that's something I never thought I would be...I've lived, battled, loved, raised, grown, and mentored....all that's left for me is to rot away so I hope that you don't hate me for my decision love...'

Thinking of her last attachment to this world, her daughter... she picked up a blank piece of paper and began to write with ink wearing a smile on her face that hasn't been there for years...

[To My Amazing Daughter,

I love you beyond words and have raised you into the woman you are, I am proud of you. You are established and successful, happy and content...these things I see.

I wish you all the best in this life. That being said, when you read this note, don't cry for me or mourn simply because I am dead...I'm somewhere incredible...a place of wonders, I've longed to go back there and see what's happening, to travel, to taste, to feel everything...No, don't mourn for me.

I'm happy...

I wish I could tell you more but just know this, you and your father made me the happiest person in this world....thank you, I love you beyond measure and I will always cherish my time with you.

Live! Love! Laugh and be happy!

I hope we meet again my child but for now...know that I will always miss you...

~Loving Mother,

~Adoring Wife,

~Beloved Friend,

Ty Lin

Ch#$^ain Gre$...]

She smiled self-deprecatingly at her real name being changed to unrecognizable after she wrote it, part of the 'non-disclosure' policy presumably.

She shook her head with a wry smile while bitter-sweet tears fell from her eyes... "Well Mr. Oscars, I'm finally coming back and will be young again, I hope you don't disappoint this old lady hahaha"

She began to slowly tap points of her body harshly while laughing, at the beginning she grimaced but after a small tap on her neck, the pain seemed to go away as she continued to tap certain points.

"Goodbye my daughter, I will be watching over you from the other side..."

You could hear a whisper in the room as the lady sitting by the fire, using her thumb, pushed into a specific point above her heart forever closing her eyes and slumping back into her chair, a smile ever-present on her lips...

...(Back to Present Time).....